A Portfolio will showcase my talents. This will highlight my skills and show my understanding of HTML and CSS. This page, initially, will not be made with JavaScript and will be pure HTML and CSS. This is focusing on using flexbox technology. I have since updated to include some JavaScript to add animation to the images.
AS AN employer
I WANT to view a potential employee's deployed portfolio of work samples
SO THAT I can review samples of their work and assess whether they're a good candidate for an open position
Updated portfolio featuring at least 3 examples of student work from either deployed projects of homeworks
Update GitHub profile with pinned repositories featuring at least 3 examples of student work from either deployed projects of homeworks
Updated resume
Updated LinkedIn profile
Completed site: [https://chip-l.github.io/Portfolio/]
Other sources:
- Sekti. (2020, July 27). Fill background animation using css. Retrieved April 18, 2021, from https://dev.to/flyingduck92/creating-fill-background-animation-for-button-using-css-2me3
- slide down css https://gist.github.com/Chip-L/4e9002590deea97fe5295694d0d6a8ca