##Ivr Checks
- File must start with a single <include>.
- <Include> may only contains <menu>.
- <menu> must have a unique name.
- <menu> name should start with the reception number.
- <menu> may only contain <entry>.
- <entry> must have unique digits within a menu.
- <entry> should have unique param within a menu.
- If entry' acttion is menu-sub, then there is checked if the reference menu exists.
- <entry> action is checked from a list of known actions.
- <menu> and <entry> attributes is checked from a list of expected attributes.
##Dialplan Checks
- File must start with a single <include>.
- <Include> may only contains <extension>.
- <extension> must have a unique name.
- <extension> name should start with "reception_" followed by the reception number.
- <extension> may only contain <condition>.
- <condition> destination_number should match filename.
- <condition> may only contain <condition> or <action>.
- <condition> time-of-day, wday gets checked.
- <action> IVR gets checked if it exists.
- <action> Playback gets checked if the audiofile exists.
- <action> Voicemail checks if it follows a known pattern.