Spark Monitor Fork - A fork of SparkMonitor that works with multiple Spark Sessions
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- Automatically displays a live monitoring tool below cells that run Spark jobs in a Jupyter notebook
- A table of jobs and stages with progressbars
- A timeline which shows jobs, stages, and tasks
- A graph showing number of active tasks & executor cores vs time
- A notebook server extension that proxies the Spark UI and displays it in an iframe popup for more details
- For a detailed list of features see the use case notebooks
- How it Works
npm version: 5.6.0 yarn version: 1.22.4 sbt version: 1.3.2
cd sparkmonitor/extension
#Build Javascript
yarn install # Only need to run the first time
yarn run webpack
#Build SparkListener Scala jar
cd scalalistener/
sbt package
docker build -t sparkmonitor .
docker run -it -p 8888:8888 sparkmonitor
cd sparkmonitor/extension
vi VERSION # bump version number
python sdist
twine upload --repository-url dist/*
If twine upload step fails, run rm -rf dist/*
, bump the VERSION number, and rerun steps above.
pip install sparkmonitor-s
jupyter nbextension install sparkmonitor --py --user --symlink
jupyter nbextension enable sparkmonitor --py --user
jupyter serverextension enable --py --user sparkmonitor
ipython profile create && echo "c.InteractiveShellApp.extensions.append('sparkmonitor.kernelextension')" >> $(ipython profile locate default)/
For more detailed instructions click here
At CERN, the SparkMonitor extension would find two main use cases:
- Distributed analysis with ROOT and Apache Spark using the DistROOT module. Here is an example demonstrating this use case.
- Integration with SWAN, A service for web based analysis, via a modified container image for SWAN user sessions.