I'm a MSc. Computer Engineer. I have hands-on experience in developing and deploying Flutter apps, implementing responsive & adaptive designs, integrating APIs, and handling data persistence.
Some of the Flutter & Dart-related topics I know:
- Lifecycle methods
- State Management (Vanilla, Riverpod, InheritedWidget, InheritedModel, InheritedNotifier, etc.)
- Animations (implicit, explicit, hero, sliver, Lottie, rive)
- Cache (shared preferences, hive, sembast, sqflite, file operations. etc.)
- Responsive & Adaptive design
- Code generation
- REST API/Firebase/AdMob integration
- Developing packages & plugins, publishing on pub.dev
- MVVM, SOLID principles, Linter rules
- Theme, Material3, widget style customization
- Localization
- Test-Driven Development
- CI/CD (GitHub actions, Fastlane)
- Publishing & updating apps on Google Play / App Store
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