Heartcare is a diagonostic management project developed in django. Admin can add doctor, add services, add gallery pictures . User can see doctors profile and also they can make appointment. They can also contact to the heartcare through email.
1. open requirements.txt file to see requirements
2. To install requirements type
3. pip install -r requirements.txt
1. open terminal and type
2. https://github.com/Arisha0810/Heart_Care_Django.git
1. https://github.com/Arisha0810/Heart_Care_Django.git
1. python manage.py makemigrations
2. python manage.py migrate
1. python manage.py collectstatic
1. To create superuser open terminal and type
2. python manage.py createsuperuser
1. EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'
2. EMAIL_HOST = 'smtp.gmail.com'
3. EMAIL_PORT = 587
5. EMAIL_HOST_USER = 'your email'
6. EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = 'your email password'
1. python manage.py runserver
2. Then go to in your browser
ARISHA RAKHANGI Email: [email protected]
===================Thank You !!!==================