This is a web application that replicates the functionality of YouTube. It allows users to watch, search, and interact with videos. The application is built using the React JavaScript library, which makes it easy to create dynamic and interactive user interfaces.
To get started with the YouTube clone, you will need to have the following:
- Node.js
Once you have Node.js and NPM installed, you can clone the repository from GitHub:
git clone
Once you have cloned the repository, you can install the dependencies:
npm install
To run the application, you can use the following command:
npm run dev
The application will be running on http://localhost:5173.
The YouTube clone currently has the following features:
- Users can watch videos.
- Users can search for any category of videos.
- Users can like/dislike videos and comments.
The YouTube clone will be expanded in the future to include the following features:
- User profiles
- Video comments
- Video ratings
If you would like to contribute to the YouTube clone, please feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request.