MathJax TeX extension aiming to (partially) implement the unicode-math package.
For supported macros and environments, see ./test/unicode-math.html
For example, install mathjax-full
and mathjax-unicode-math
and use something like
import { TeX } from 'mathjax/js/input/tex.js';
import { configuration as unicodeMath } from 'mathjax-unicode-math';
const tex = new TeX({
packages: []
For client-side use, you need load browser/unicode-math.js
, e.g., from a CDN.
Follow the instructions from the MathJax documentation on loading a third-party extensions, e.g.,
MathJax = {
loader: {
load: ['[unicodeMath]/unicode-math.js'],
paths: {unicodeMath: ''}
tex: {
packages: {'[+]': ['unicode-math']}