Go crawl library
go get -u github.com/allentom/youcrawl
HTML parser : PuerkitoBio/goquery
The yellow part will be executed in parallel
The crawler library contains the following components, which can be added as needed
- Middleware
- HTML Parser
- Pipeline
- GlobalStore
- PostProcess
- Plugin
Because most of the components are optional, no complicated code is required.
func main() {
e := youcrawl.NewEngine(
// Up to 5 tasks at the same time
MaxRequest: 5,
The above code just request the web page. The following code will add some components to show more features, the code will be a little complicated.
We will collect data from website and save into json file
func main() {
e := youcrawl.NewEngine(
// Up to 5 tasks at the same time
MaxRequest: 5,
// add url
// add UserAgent Middleware, add random UserAgent when requested
// Add parser and get page title
e.AddHTMLParser(func(doc *goquery.Document, ctx *youcrawl.Context) error {
title := doc.Find("title").Text()
ctx.Item.SetValue("title", title)
return nil
// add Pipeline to store the item to the items in the GlobalStore
// write the data under the `items` field in GlobalStore to the json file
StorePath: "./output.json",