finding public ssh keys with ease
This tool is intended to get developers public keys
- via a limited ssh-server on the local host (which can be accessed by ssh-copy-id)
- or by fetching them from github, were the developers may've left them.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project running on your local machine, for development and testing purposes.
See deployment for notes on how to install the project on your system.
or another compiler- libcurl to fetch api responses
- libssh to run the ssh-server
- json-c in order to interprete api responses
- openssl for generating ssh keys
- cmocka for make check
A step by step series of examples that tells you, how to get a development env running.
clone this repo
git clone
cd into the project and build it
cd heimdallr
Take a look at eg. my pubkey(s), by calling heimdallr with the user flag
./heimdallr -u aiyionprime
Alternatively start a ssh-server (eg. on port 1234), which others can fill with pubkeys via ssh-copy-id
./heimdallr -p 1234
Your coworkers can then use ssh-copy-id
like they would do with ordinary ssh-servers:
ssh-copy-id -p 1234 <the-ip-of-your-device>
Hint: You can list your current IPs with
hostname -i
Deploying this on a live system can be done by running the build steps followed by
sudo make install
brew install aiyionprime/tools/heimdallr
yaourt -S heimdallr
If you like this tool, don't forget to vote for it, so others can find it, too! (the button is hidden on the right under 'package actions') Thanks!
yaourt -S heimdallr-git
We're open for ideas improving the workflow of sharing ssh public keys, so if you've got a good one, feel free to contact me about it.
In order to run the small amount of available unittests, run
make check
in the source directory.
The expected output is something like: [==========] Running n test(s). ... [ PASSED ] n test(s).
aiyion (on #hackint)
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
- Thanks to all testers and reviewers!
- Props to ubuntus developers for using the same mechanism in their installer for bionic beaver.