Add a new dock for the HTML popup preview within QGIS desktop directly (with some CSS from Lizmap)
Use the QGIS "Apply" button in the vector layer properties to update the HTML preview in the background
Add a new tool for checking the project against some rules :
Possibility to set some safeguards, according to the user level and the current selected server
These safeguards are defined according to your level in QGIS to design the project
Some rules might be blocking the CFG file (depending on the server, QGIS Desktop version etc.)
Following the previous features about rules, add new buttons to auto fix the project :
Use estimated metadata
Use geometry simplification
Use project trust option
New helper for checking groups IDs in an attribute table, when doing an attribute filtering
Disable the "Layers" panel if the layer is excluded from WMS capabilities
Avoid a Python error about missing primary key
Moving the Google API key as the base-layer panel is deprecated, it's still needed for the address search
Add new base layers for Lizmap Web Client 3.7
French QGIS users only : IGN orthophoto, IGN plan, IGN Cadastre layers
Add attributions on layers which are provided by the plugin (layers above and OpenStreetMap)
Possibility to open the plugin even if some layers are temporary unavailable
and to no loose some Lizmap configuration if the layer was used in a tool
Display some warning icons if the layer or the field was not loaded correctly or not existing anymore
Better management if there is a single maintained branch of Lizmap Web Client
Follow up the new updates about the French IGN GeoPlateforme
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