A collection of various encoding and decoding tools for text data.
Pre-deployed demo: echoconvert.vercel.app
- User friendly interface with light and dark themes
- Different categories for encoding and decoding tools
- Responsive design for optimal viewing on all devices
- Base64
- Base32
- URL Encoding
- Affine cipher
- Caesar cipher
- ROT13 cipher
- A1Z26 cipher
- Vigenère cipher
- Rail Fence cipher
- HTML encoding/decoding
- Reverse text
- Morse code
- Spelling alphabet
- Character Count
This website is a one-stop-shop for text data conversion needs. Whether it is encoding, decoding, or just text manipulation, this site has you covered. Try it out today!
Contributions are welcome, make a pull request. We would love to have more tools, better design and more.