Include one or more configuration files. Include files can include other files.
include "path"
Start as a daemon.
By default Odyssey does not run as a daemon. Set to 'yes' to enable.
daemonize no
Try to match routes exactly in config order.
By default, Odyssey tries to match all specific routes first, and then all default ones. It may be confusing because auth-denying default route can be overridden with more specific auth-permitting route below in the config. With this option set, Odyssey will match routes exactly in config order, like in HBA files.
sequential_routing no
Process priority.
Set Odyssey parent process and threads priority.
priority -10
If pid_file is specified, Odyssey will write its process id to the specified file at startup.
pid_file "/var/run/"
UNIX socket directory.
If unix_socket_dir
is specified, Odyssey will enable UNIX socket
communications. Specified directory path will be used for
searching socket files.
unix_socket_dir "/tmp"
Set unix_socket_mode
file mode to any created unix files.
unix_socket_mode "0755"
If locks_dir
is specified, directory path will be used for
placing lock files.
If log_file is specified, Odyssey will additionally use it to write log events.
log_file "/var/log/odyssey.log"
Log text format.
Odyssey allows to configure log text format. This could be useful to support external log parser format. Format string can contain plain text, escape symbols and format flags.
Supported flags:
%n = unixtime
%t = timestamp with date in iso 8601 format
%e = millisEcond
%p = process ID
%i = client ID
%s = server ID
%u = user name
%d = database name
%c = context
%l = level (error, warning, debug)
%m = message
%M = message tskv
%r = client port
%h = client host
%H = server host
log_format "%p %t %e %l [%i %s] (%c) %m\n"
Set to 'yes' if you need to additionally display log output in stdout. Enabled by default.
log_to_stdout yes
Log to system logger.
To enable syslog(3) usage, set log_syslog to 'yes'. Additionally set log_syslog_ident and log_syslog_facility.
log_syslog no
Set syslog ident name.
log_syslog_ident "odyssey"
Set syslog facility name.
log_syslog_facility "daemon"
Enable verbose logging of all events, which will generate a log of detailed information useful for development or testing.
It is also possible to enable verbose logging for specific users (see routes section).
log_debug no
Write configuration to the log during start and config reload.
log_config yes
Write client connect and disconnect events to the log.
log_session yes
Write client queries text to the log. Disabled by default.
log_query no
Periodically display information about active routes.
log_stats yes
Port on which metrics server listen. http://localhost:port/ -- check is port running. http://localhost:port/metrics -- get metrics as a response.
Write information about active routes in Prometheus format in addition to ordinary format. Requires C Prometheus client library installed. Log only info not specific to route
Write information about active routes in Prometheus format in addition to ordinary format. Requires C Prometheus client library installed. Log all available info
Set interval in seconds for internal statistics update and log report.
stats_interval 3
Set size of thread pool used for client processing.
1: By default, Odyssey runs with a single worker. This is a special mode optimized for general use. This mode also made to reduce multi-thread communication overhead.
N: Add additional worker threads, if your server experience heavy load, especially using TLS setup.
workers 1
Number of threads used for DNS resolving. This value can be increased, if your server experience a big number of connecting clients.
resolvers 1
Set size of per-connection buffer used for io readahead operations.
readahead 8192
Set pool size of free coroutines cache. It is a good idea to set this value to a sum of max clients plus server connections. Please note, that each coroutine consumes around 16KB of memory.
Set to zero, to disable coroutine cache.
cache_coroutine 128
TCP nodelay. Set to 'yes', to enable nodelay.
nodelay yes
TCP keepalive time. Set to zero, to disable keepalive.
keepalive 15
The number of seconds between TCP keep-alive probes. 5 by default.
keepalive_keep_interval 10
TCP keep-alive probes to send before giving up and killing the connection if no response is obtained. 3 by default.
keepalive_probes 5
When the value is greater than 0, it specifies the maximum amount of time in milliseconds that transmitted data may remain unacknowledged before TCP will forcibly close the corresponding connection.
When the value is negaive, the default system user timeout will be used.
When no value or 0 is provided 1000 * (keepalive + keepalive_keep_interval * keepalive_probes) - 500
is used.
keepalive_usr_timeout 7
Coroutine stack size.
Set coroutine stack size in pages. In some rare cases
it might be necessary to make stack size bigger (like that using the Odyssey with LDAP auth required coroutine_stack_size 16
). Actual stack will be
allocated as (coroutine_stack_size + 1_guard_page) * page_size
Guard page is used to track stack overflows. Stack by default is set to 16KB.
coroutine_stack_size 4
Global limit of client connections.
Comment 'client_max' to disable the limit. On client limit reach, Odyssey will reply with 'too many connections'.
client_max 100
Path to file containing host based authentication rules. Omit this option to disable HBA.
hba_file "path"
HBA file format follows the format of the PostgreSQL pg_hba.conf
- Supported record types:
. - Database field:
, multiple names. - User field:
, multiple names. - Address field: IPv4 or IPv6 range.
- Auth-method field:
(equivalent keywords), which leads to immediate disconnection,allow
(also equivalent keywords), which means applying auth method specified in matching route.
Listen section defines listening servers used for accepting incoming client connections.
It is possible to define several Listen sections. Odyssey will listen on every specified address.
Odyssey will fail in case it could not bind on any resolved address.
If host is not set, Odyssey will try to listen using UNIX socket if
is set.
host "*"
port 6432
backlog 128
Supported TLS modes:
"disable" - disable TLS protocol
"allow" - switch to TLS protocol on request
"require" - TLS clients only
"verify_ca" - require valid client certificate
"verify_full" - require valid client ceritifcate
host "*"
port 6432
backlog 128
# tls "disable"
# tls_cert_file ""
# tls_key_file ""
# tls_ca_file ""
# tls_protocols ""
Support of PostgreSQL protocol compression (experimental). Set to 'yes' to enable, disabled by default.
compression no
Odyssey allows to define client routing rules by specifying
, user
and storage
On client accept appropriate route is assigned by matching database
sections, all requests then forwarded to a storage
(which is referenced from the user
Defines server used as a data storage or admin console operations.
storage <name> { options }
Set storage type to use. Supported types:
"remote" - PostgreSQL server
"local" - Odyssey (admin console)
type "remote"
Local console supports RELOAD, SHOW and KILL_CLIENT commands.
Remote server address.
If host is not set, Odyssey will try to connect using UNIX socket if
is set.
Remote server port.
If specified, odyssey will bind socket with SO_REUSEPORT option.
If specified, after receiving the singal SIGUSR2, Odyssey will shutdown the socket for receptions and continue working only with old connections
Supported TLS modes:
"disable" - disable TLS protocol
"allow" - switch to TLS protocol on request
"require" - TLS required
"verify_ca" - require valid certificate
"verify_full" - require valid ceritifcate
storage "postgres_server" {
type "remote"
host ""
port 5432
# tls "disable"
# tls_ca_file ""
# tls_key_file ""
# tls_cert_file ""
# tls_protocols ""
database <name> | default { users }
Defines database name requested by client. Each database
section structure
consist of a user
A special database default
is used, in case when no database is matched.
user <name> | default { options }
Defines authentication, pooling and storage settings for requested route.
A special user default
is used, in case when no user is matched.
Set route authentication method. Supported:
"none" - authentication turned off
"block" - block this user
"clear_text" - PostgreSQL clear text authentication
"md5" - PostgreSQL md5 authentication
"scram-sha-256" - PostgreSQL scram-sha-256 authentication
"cert" - Compare client certificate Common Name against auth_common_name's
authentication "none"
Set route authentication password. Depending on selected method, password can be in plain text, md5 hash or SCRAM secret.
To generate SCRAM secret you can use this tool.
password "test"
Specify common names to check for "cert" authentication method. If there are more then one common name is defined, all of them will be checked until match.
Set 'default' to check for current user.
auth_common_name default
auth_common_name "test"
Enable remote route authentication. Use some other route to authenticate clients following this logic:
Use selected 'auth_query_db' and 'auth_query_user' to match a route. Use matched route server to send 'auth_query' to get username and password needed to authenticate a client.
auth_query "SELECT usename, passwd FROM pg_shadow WHERE usename=$1"
auth_query_db ""
auth_query_user ""
Disabled by default.
Enables PAM(Pluggable Authentication Modules) as the authentication mechanism. It is incompatible to use it with auth query method. Password must be passed in plain text form, as standard postgreSQL requires to.
auth_pam_service "name desired pam service"
Set client connections limit for this route.
Comment 'client_max' to disable the limit. On client limit reach, Odyssey will reply with 'too many connections'.
client_max 100
Set remote server to use.
By default route database and user names are used as connection parameters to remote server. It is possible to override this values by specifying 'storage_db' and 'storage_user'. Remote server password can be set using 'storage_password' field.
storage "postgres_server"
#storage_db "database"
#storage_user "test"
#storage_password "test"
This subsection must located at subsection user
and used to route clients to a remote PostgreSQL server with special credentials
and storage_password
), depending in the client account attributes stored on the LDAP server
(based on OpenLDAP, Active Directory or others). This routing method allows to grant access
with different privileges to different databases located on the same host.
This routing method maybe used only if variables of ldap_endpoint_name and ldap_storage_credentials_attr are set. For example:
storage "test_server" {
type "remote"
port 5432
host "postgres_server"
ldap_endpoint "ldap1" {
ldapscheme "ldap"
ldapbasedn "dc=example,dc=org"
ldapbinddn "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org"
ldapbindpasswd "admin"
ldapsearchfilter "(memberOf=cn=localhost,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=org)"
ldapsearchattribute "gecos"
ldapserver ""
ldapport 389
database default {
user default {
authentication "clear_text"
storage "test_server"
ldap_endpoint_name "ldap1"
ldap_storage_credentials_attr "memberof"
ldap_storage_credentials "group_ro" {
ldap_storage_username "ldap_ro"
ldap_storage_password "password1"
ldap_storage_credentials "group_rw" {
ldap_storage_username "ldap_rw"
ldap_storage_password "password2
#other required regular parameters are hidden from this example
To successfully route client to PostgreSQL server with correct credentials, client account attributes
stored on LDAP server must contain three required values separated by _
hostname of PostgreSQL server (host
value from storage
section), name of target database
and name of ldap_storage_credentials
in format %host_%database_%ldap_storage_credentials
For example, look at memberof
attributes in usr4.ldiff:
dn: uid=user4,dc=example,dc=org
objectClass: top
objectClass: account
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: shadowAccount
cn: user4
uid: user4
memberof: cn=localhost,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=org
memberof: cn=localhost_ldap_db1_group_ro,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=org
memberof: cn=localhost_ldap_db2_group_rw,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=org
uidNumber: 16860
gidNumber: 101
homeDirectory: /home/user4
loginShell: /bin/bash
gecos: user4
userPassword: default
shadowLastChange: 0
shadowMax: 0
shadowWarning: 0
Sets the value of the account attribute name from the LDAP server, the values of which will be used to determine the route and parameters for connecting the client to the PostgreSQL server.
Specifies the name of ldap_endpoint to be used to connect to the LDAP server.
The ldap_endpoint section is used to configure the parameters for connecting to the LDAP server. For example:
ldap_endpoint "ldap1" {
ldapscheme "ldap"
ldapbasedn "dc=example,dc=org"
ldapbinddn "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org"
ldapbindpasswd "admin"
ldapsearchattribute "gecos"
ldapserver ""
ldapport 389
Ldap server pool size
Keep the number of servers in the pool as much as 'pool_size'. Clients are put in a wait queue, when all servers are busy.
Set to zero to disable.
ldap_pool_size 10
Ldap server pool timeout
Time to wait in milliseconds for an available server. Disconnect client on timeout reach.
Set to zero to disable.
ldap_pool_timeout 1000
Ldap server pool idle timeout.
Close ldap server connection when it becomes idle for 'ldap_pool_ttl' seconds.
Set to zero to disable.
ldap_pool_ttl 60
By default odyssey authenticate users itself, but if side auth application is used,
like LDAP server, PAM module, or custom auth module, sometimes,
instead of configuring storage_password
, it is more convenient to reuse
client-provided password to perform backend auth. If you set this option to "yes"
Odyssey will store client token and use when new server connection is Opened. Anyway, if
you configure storage_password
for route, password_passthrough
is essentially ignored
Set route server pool mode.
Supported modes:
"session" - assign server connection to a client until it disconnects
"transaction" - assign server connection to a client for a transaction processing
pool "transaction"
Server pool size.
Keep the number of servers in the pool as much as 'pool_size'. Clients are put in a wait queue, when all servers are busy.
Set to zero to disable the limit.
pool_size 100
Server pool wait timeout.
Time to wait in milliseconds for an available server. Disconnect client on timeout reach.
Set to zero to disable.
pool_timeout 4000
Server pool idle timeout.
Close an server connection when it becomes idle for 'pool_ttl' seconds.
Set to zero to disable.
pool_ttl 60
Server pool parameters discard.
and reset client parameters before using server
from the pool.
pool_discard no
When this parameter is enabled, Odyssey sends smart discard query instead of default DISCARD ALL
when it
returns connection to the pool. Its default value may be overwritten by pool_discard_string setting.
When resetting a database connection, a pre-defined query string is sent to the server. This query string consists of a set of SQL statements that will be executed during a DISCARD ALL
command, except for DEALLOCATE ALL
. The default query string includes the following statements:
SELECT pg_advisory_unlock_all();
This sequence of statements is designed to reset the connection to a clean state, without affecting the authentication credentials of the session. By executing these queries, any open transactions will be closed, locks will be released, and any cached execution plans and sequences will be discarded.
Server pool auto-cancel.
Start additional Cancel connection in case if server left with executing query. Close connection otherwise.
pool_cancel no
Server pool auto-rollback.
Execute 'ROLLBACK' if server left in active transaction. Close connection otherwise.
pool_rollback yes
Forward PostgreSQL errors during remote server connection.
client_fwd_error no
Enable verbose mode for a specific route only.
log_debug no
Soft interval between group checks (in ms) 7000 by default
group_checker_interval 7000
database default {
user default {
authentication "none"
# password ""
# auth_common_name default
# auth_common_name "test"
# auth_query "SELECT usename, passwd FROM pg_shadow WHERE usename=$1"
# auth_query_db ""
# auth_query_user ""
# client_max 100
storage "postgres_server"
# storage_db "database"
# storage_user "test"
# storage_password "test"
pool "transaction"
pool_size 0
pool_timeout 0
pool_ttl 60
pool_cancel no
pool_rollback yes
client_fwd_error no
log_debug no
storage "local" {
type "local"
database "console" {
user default {
authentication "none"
pool "session"
storage "local"