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Automate Quantum Espresso(QE) routines


The code was developed and tested under

  • OS: Linux Mint 21.1 Vera Xfce
  • Python 3.10, with modules os, subprocesses, re, numpy, time, datetime, matplotlib.pyplot.
  • PWSCF v.6.7MaX that is a part of Quantum ESPRESSO suite.


Under Linux OS:

  • Install QE by typing in the terminal: sudo apt-get install quantum-espresso (recommended) or see QE web page.
  • Install Python distribution by typing in the terminal: sudo apt-get install conda (recommended) or see Anaconda Distribution guidelines.
  • Pseudo potentials can be taken from Pseudo Dojo.

Differential Evolution

This repository contains a Python code for Quantum Espresso parameters optimization with Differential Evolution (DE) global optimization method [1]. A general introduction into DE method together with a python realization can be found in the excellent tutorial by Pablo Rodriguez-Mier. Here, the DE method is adapted for the geometry optimization of the bulk Si crystal. In effect, this allows one to perform in a hassle-free single run 0_Si_bulk tasks 0_cutoff, 1_alat and 2_kpoints from DFT_QE_beginner_tutorial or 0_cutoff, 1_kpoints and 2_alat from DFT-basics.

  • [1] Price, K., Storn, R. (1997). Differential Evolution – A Simple and Efficient Heuristic for Global Optimization over Continuous Spaces. Journal of Global Optimization, 11, 341–359.


Bash script DEopt

  • Put Bash script DEopt and Si.pz-vbc.UPF pseudo potential into the same folder, i.e. the working folder.
  • Open terminal in this folder and run the Bash script in terminal as ./DEopt.
  • Find in the working folder the QE outdir ./tmp.
  • Find in the working folder the results of the optimization and convergence plot in QEDE_year-month-day_hours_minutes_seconds.out and QEDE_year-month-day_hours_minutes_seconds.png.

Python file

  • Put Python file with QE input file and pseudo potential Si.pz-vbc.UPF into the same folder, i.e. working folder
  • Open Python file and evaluate it cell after cell sequentially.
  • Find in the working folder the QE outdir ./tmp.
  • Find in the working folder the results of optimization and convergence plot in QEDE_year-month-day_hours_minutes_seconds.out and QEDE_year-month-day_hours_minutes_seconds.png.
  • Find in the working folder the animation for convergence in animation_Si.gif and video_Si.mp4.



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