All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- PNDA-2159: Create a runfile containing structured info about run
- Added numerous comments to bootstrap scripts and templates as in-code documentation
- Added Anti Affinity hints to the nova scheduler
- PNDA-2262: If deploy key not found create one with a helpful message
- PNDA-2386: Updates to volume sizes
- PNDA-2387: Run a minion on the saltmaster instance
- PNDA-2428: Mount disks using openstack IDs
- PNDA-2430: Log volume consistency changes
- Specify Anaconda mirror in PNDA YAML and make example mirror URIs consistent
- Move pnda_restart role to correct grain PNDA-2250
- Update doc to match new Cloudera version 5.9.0
- PNDA-2474: Execute PR volume logic conditionally
- PNDA-2272: move to Salt 2015.8.11 in order to get the fix on orchestrate #33467
- PNDA-1211: Add the ability to manage swift / s3 / volume / sshfs or local for package repository backend storage
- PNDA-2248: Refactor heat template provisioning to enable flavors to be deployable on bare metal - firstly 'pico'
- The optional 'NtpServers' option can be set in the pnda_env.yaml configuration file if the default servers are not reacheable
- Display Heat stack events while resizing a cluster
- Add the capability to configure an alternate Anaconda Parcels mirror
- Create PNDA from Heat templates