yarn dapplet-push <build-file-path>
So, in the root of your dapplet file...
- create the build file ...
rm -rf ./dist && pilet build && pilet pack --target ./dist
- push files to ipfs
yarn dapplet-push ./dist/counter-1.0.1.tgz
This will publish the files into a hash-linked ipfs folder like:
- PiletMetadata object
- meta.link CID
- build files (index.js, .css, etc)
- meta.link CID
- PiletMetadata object
PiletMetadata types:
interface PiletApiResponse {
items: Array<PiletMetadata>;
interface PiletMetadataV0 {
name: string;
version: string;
content?: string;
link?: string;
hash: string;
noCache?: boolean | string;
custom?: any;
config?: Record<string, any>;
dependencies?: Record<string, string>;
interface PiletMetadataV1 {
name: string;
version: string;
link: string;
requireRef: string;
integrity?: string;
custom?: any;
config?: Record<string, any>;
dependencies?: Record<string, string>;
interface PiletMetadataV2 {
name: string;
version: string;
link: string;
requireRef: string;
integrity?: string;
spec: 'v2';
custom?: any;
config?: Record<string, any>;
dependencies?: Record<string, string>;
type PiletMetadata = PiletMetadataV0 | PiletMetadataV1 | PiletMetadataV2;
see Piral Feed Spec for more info.