This (almost) purely educational app manages places I’d like to visit some day, and helps me to keep track of more or less exotic dishe recipes.
Key technologies: Angular based single-page app with Mapbox GL, AWS Cognito for OAuth2, PostgreSQL DB and S3 for persistence and a Spring Boot backend written in Kotlin, various spin-off tools written in Golang, all provisioned to AWS Infrastructure with Terraform and lots of Confidence.
Angkor is a monorepo that combines the following modules and technologies:
Path | Descriptions | Technologies / Tools / Language(s) | Build Status |
Cloud Infrastructure as Code |
Server Backend |
Frontend and reverse proxy |
Supporting services written in Go |
Project Documentation |
You should have [AWS CLI]( and most importantly [Terraform]( installed. In a nutshell the application’s neighborhood looks as follows:
This project uses the good old [GNU Make]( utility to manage all tasks for terraform, gradle, yarn and whatever else we have in our ecosystem. Run make
without args to see what’s possible, open the [Makefile](./Makefile) to look beyond!
$ make
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Available Commands:
api-clean Cleans up ./kotlin/build folder
api-build Assembles backend jar in ./api/build with gradle (alias: assemble)
api-test Runs spring boot unit and integration tests in ./kotlin
api-run Runs springBoot API in ./kotlin using gradle bootRun (alias: bootrun)
api-mock Runs OIDC (and potentially other) mock service for api
ui-build Run ng build in ./ui
ui-build-prod Run ng build --prod in ./ui
ui-test Runs chromeHeadless tests in ./angular
ui-run Run angular with ng serve and opens WebUI in browser (alias: serve,open,angular)
ui-mocks Run json-server on foreground to mock API services for UI (alias: mock)
tf-init Runs terraform init on working directory ./terraform, switch to
tf-plan Runs terraform plan with implicit init and fmt (alias: plan)
tf-apply Runs terraform apply with auto-approval (alias: apply)
docs-clean Cleanup docs build directory
docs-build Generate documentation site using antora-playbook.yml
docs-push Generate documentation site and push to s3
docs-deploy Deploys docs with subsequent pull and restart of server on EC2 (alias: docs)
all-clean Clean up build artifact directories in backend and frontend (alias: clean)
all-build Builds frontend and backend (alias: build)
all-test Builds frontend and backend (alias: build)
all-deploy builds and deploys frontend and backend images (alias deploy)
angular-clean Remove angular dist folder ./angular/dist
angkor The ultimate target - builds and deploys everything 🦄
release create final release tag with semtag
git-clean git cleanup, e.g. delete up stale git branches
Seriously? Check our Dedicated angkor-docs project built with Antora