- Aniketh Redimi
- Ashuthosh Bharadwaj
- Eshan Gupta
- Saravanan Senthil
Referenced from the paper: Reflection Removal by Ghost Effect from A Single Image
git clone https://github.com/Digital-Image-Processing-IIITH/dip-project-photo.git
pip install opencv-python numpy matplotlib scipy tqdm
File and folder descriptions:
- complete_pipeline.ipynb: Final notebook highlighting implementation of the paper.
- Fast single image reflection suppression: Custom implemented library to implement the paper sharing the same name.
- Testing grounds: Avenue for experimentation of methods.
├── README.md
├── documents
│ ├── DIP_Project_Slides.pdf
│ ├── ghost_hidden.pdf
│ └── proposal.pdf
├── guidelines.md
└── src
├── 1.ipynb
├── FastSingleImageReflectionSuppression
├── Testing_grounds.ipynb
├── complete_pipeline.ipynb
├── guiFSR.py
├── imgs
└── utils.py