IMP is open source software, and we welcome contributions! These contributions could include
- Reporting or fixing a bug
- Fixing a typo in the comments or documentation
- Adding a new function, class, or module to IMP
- Publishing your protocol for applying IMP to a biological system
To report a bug, please open an issue at GitHub. See the IMP manual for more information.
The easiest way to fix a typo in the comments or documentation is to use the edit icon at the top of each page in GitHub.
To add or change code in IMP, fork the repository and then open a pull request. Code should conform to our coding conventions and naming and interface conventions. See the IMP manual for more detail.
Note that some parts of the code are actually maintained outside of the IMP repository, notably PMI, RMF and python-ihm. Issues or pull requests for these parts of the code should be opened in those repositories. (Changes to those repositories are periodically pulled in to IMP by the IMP maintainers.)
To publish your protocol for applying IMP to a biological system, please see the IMP manual.