- Where can I find the segmentation metrics of my experiments?
- What postprocessing is selected?
- Evaluating test set results
- Creating and managing data splits
- How can I swap component XXX (for example the loss) of nnU-Net?
- How does nnU-Net handle multi-modal images?
- Why does nnU-Net not use all my GPU memory?
- Do I need to always run all U-Net configurations?
- Sharing Models
- Can I run nnU-Net on smaller GPUs?
- Why is no 3d_lowres model created?
Results for the validation sets of each fold are stored in the respective output folder after the training is completed. For example, this could be.
. After training there will
be a validation_raw
subfolder and a validation_raw_postprocessed
subfolder. In each of these folders is going to
be a summary.json
file with the segmentation metrics. There are metrics for each individual validation case and then
at the bottom there is also a mean across all cases.
Cross-validation metrics can only be computed after all five folds were run. You first need to run
first (see nnUNet_determine_postprocessing -h
for help). This will collect the
predictions from the validation sets of the five folds, compute metrics on them and then determine the postprocessing.
Once this is all done, there will be new folders located in the output directory (for example
): cv_niftis_raw
(raw predictions
from the cross-validation) and cv_niftis_postprocessed
(postprocessed predictions). In each of these folders is
going to be a summary.json
file with the metrics (see above).
Note that the postprocessing determined on each individual fold is completely ignored by nnU-Net because it needs to find a single postprocessing configuration for the whole cross-validation. The postprocessed results in each fold are just for development purposes!
Test set results see here.
Ensemble performance will be accessible here ${RESULTS_FOLDER}/nnUNet/ensembles/TASKNAME
after you ran
. There are summary.csv for a quick overview and then there is also going to be
detailed results in the form of summary.json
in the respective subfolders.
After you run nnUNet_determine_postprocessing
(see nnUNet_determine_postprocessing -h
for help) there will be a
file located in the output directory of your training (for example
). If you open this with a text
editor, there is a key "for_which_classes", followed by some list. For LiTS (classes 0: bg, 1: liver, 2: tumor)
this can for example be:
"for_which_classes": [
This means that nnU-Net will first remove all but the largest components for the merged object consisting of classes 1 and 2 (essentially the liver including the tumors) and then in a second step also remove all but the largest connected component for the liver class.
Note that you do not have to run nnUNet_determine_postprocessing
if you use nnUNet_find_best_configuration
will do that for you.
Ensemble results and postprocessing will be stored in ${RESULTS_FOLDER}/nnUNet/ensembles
(this will all be generated by nnUNet_find_best_configuration
This feature was only added recently. Please run pip install --upgrade nnunet
or reinstall nnunet from the master.
You can now use nnUNet_evaluate_folder
to compute metrics on predicted test cases. For example:
nnUNet_evaluate_folder -ref FOLDER_WITH_GT -pred FOLDER_WITH_PREDICTIONS -l 1 2 3 4
This example is for a dataset that has 4 foreground classes (labels 1, 2, 3, 4). FOLDER_WITH_GT
must contain files with the same names containing the reference and predicted segmentations
of each case, respectivelty. The files must be nifti (end with .nii.gz).
At the start of each training, nnU-Net will check whether the splits_final.pkl file is present in the directory where the preprocessed data of the requested dataset is located. If the file is not present, nnU-Net will create its own split: a five-fold cross-validation using all the available training cases. nnU-Net needs this five-fold cross-validation to be able to determine the postprocessing and to run model/ensemble selection.
There are however situations in which you may want to create your own split, for example
- in datasets like ACDC where several training cases are connected (there are two time steps for each patient) you may need to manually create splits to ensure proper stratification.
- cases are annotated by multiple annotators and you would like to use the annotations as separate training examples
- if you are running experiments with a domain transfer, you might want to train only on cases from domain A and validate on domain B
- ...
Creating your own data split is simple: the splits_final.pkl file contains the following data structure (assume there are five training cases A, B, C, D, and E):
splits = [
{'train': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'], 'val': ['E']},
{'train': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'E'], 'val': ['D']},
{'train': ['A', 'B', 'D', 'E'], 'val': ['C']},
{'train': ['A', 'C', 'D', 'E'], 'val': ['B']},
{'train': ['B', 'C', 'D', 'E'], 'val': ['A']}
Use load_pickle and save_pickle from batchgenerators.utilities.file_and_folder_operations for loading/storing the splits.
Splits is a list of length NUMBER_OF_FOLDS. Each entry in the list is a dict, with 'train' and 'val' as keys and lists of the corresponding case names (without the _0000 etc!) as values.
nnU-Net's five-fold cross validation will always create a list of len(splits)=5. But you can do whatever you want. Note that if you define only 4 splits (fold 0-3) and then set fold=4 when training (that would be the fifth split), nnU-Net will print a warning and proceed to use a random 80:20 data split.
All changes in nnU-Net are handled the same way:
create a new nnU-Net trainer class. Place the file somewhere in the nnunet.training.network_training folder (any subfolder will do. If you create a new subfolder, make sure to include an empty
file!) -
make your new trainer class derive from the trainer you would like to change (most likely this is going to be nnUNetTrainerV2)
identify the function that you need to overwrite. You may have to go up the inheritance hierarchy to find it!
overwrite that function in your custom trainer, make sure whatever you do is compatible with the rest of nnU-Net
What these changes need to look like specifically is hard to say without knowing what you are exactly trying to do.
Before you open a new issue on GitHub, please have a look around the nnunet.training.network_training
folder first!
There are tons of examples modifying various parts of the pipeline.
Also see here
Multi-modal images are treated as color channels. BraTS, which comes with T1, T1c, T2 and Flair images for each training case will thus for example have 4 input channels.
nnU-net and all its parameters are optimized for a training setting that uses about 8GB of VRAM for a network training. Using more VRAM will not speed up the training. Using more VRAM has also not (yet) been beneficial for model performance consistently enough to make that the default. If you really want to train with more VRAM, you can do one of these things:
Manually edit the plans files to increase the batch size. A larger batch size gives better (less noisy) gradients and may improve your model performance if the dataset is large. Note that nnU-Net always runs for 1000 epochs with 250 iterations each (250000 iterations). The training time thus scales approximately linearly with the batch size (batch size 4 is going to need twice as long for training than batch size 2!)
Manually edit the plans files to increase the patch size. This one is tricky and should only been attempted if you know what you are doing! Again, training times will be increased if you do this! 3) is a better way of increasing the patch size.
with a larger GPU memory budget. This will make nnU-Net plan for larger patch sizes during experiment planning. Doing this can change the patch size, network topology, the batch size as well as the presence of the U-Net cascade. To run with a different memory budget, you need to specify a different experiment planner, for examplennUNet_plan_and_preprocess -t TASK_ID -pl2d None -pl3d ExperimentPlanner3D_v21_32GB
(note that-pl2d None
will disable 2D U-Net configuration. There is currently no planner for larger 2D U-Nets). We have planners for 8 GB (default), 11GB and 32GB available. If you need a planner for a different GPU size, you should be able to quickly hack together your own using the code of the 11GB or 32GB planner (same goes for a 2D planner). Note that we have experimented with these planners and not found an increase in segmentation performance as a result of using them. Training times are again longer than with the default.
The model training pipeline above is for challenge participations. Depending on your task you may not want to train all U-Net models and you may also not want to run a cross-validation all the time. Here are some recommendations about what U-Net model to train:
- It is safe to say that on average, the 3D U-Net model (3d_fullres) was most robust. If you just want to use nnU-Net because you need segmentations, I recommend you start with this.
- If you are not happy with the results from the 3D U-Net then you can try the following:
- if your cases are very large so that the patch size of the 3d U-Net only covers a very small fraction of an image then it is possible that the 3d U-Net cannot capture sufficient contextual information in order to be effective. If this is the case, you should consider running the 3d U-Net cascade (3d_lowres followed by 3d_cascade_fullres)
- If your data is very anisotropic then a 2D U-Net may actually be a better choice (Promise12, ACDC, Task05_Prostate from the decathlon are examples for anisotropic data)
You do not have to run five-fold cross-validation all the time. If you want to test single model performance, use
all for FOLD
instead of a number. Note that this will then not give you an estimate of your performance on the
training set. You will also no tbe able to automatically identify which ensembling should be used and nnU-Net will
not be able to configure a postprocessing.
CAREFUL: DO NOT use fold=all when you intend to run the cascade! You must run the cross-validation in 3d_lowres so that you get proper (=not overfitted) low resolution predictions.
You can share trained models by simply sending the corresponding output folder from RESULTS_FOLDER/nnUNet
whoever you want share them with. The recipient can then use nnU-Net for inference with this model.
You can now also use nnUNet_export_model_to_zip
to export a trained model (or models) to a zip file. The recipient
can then use nnUNet_install_pretrained_model_from_zip
to install the model from this zip file.
nnU-Net is guaranteed to run on GPUs with 11GB of memory. Many configurations may also run on 8 GB.
If you have an 11GB and there is still an Out of Memory
error, please read 'nnU-Net training: RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory' here.
If you wish to configure nnU-Net to use a different amount of GPU memory, simply adapt the reference value for the GPU memory estimation accordingly (with some slack because the whole thing is not an exact science!). For example, in experiment_planner_baseline_3DUNet_v21_11GB.py we provide an example that attempts to maximise the usage of GPU memory on 11GB as opposed to the default which leaves much more headroom). This is simply achieved by this line:
ref = Generic_UNet.use_this_for_batch_size_computation_3D * 11 / 8
with 8 being what is currently used (approximately) and 11 being the target. Should you get CUDA out of memory issues, simply reduce the reference value. You should do this adaptation as part of a separate ExperimentPlanner class. Please read the instructions here.
3d_lowres is created only if the patch size in 3d_fullres less than 1/8 of the voxels of the median shape of the data
in 3d_fullres (for example Liver is about 512x512x512 and the patch size is 128x128x128, so that's 1/64 and thus
3d_lowres is created). You can enforce the creation of 3d_lowres models for smaller datasets by changing the value of
(located in experiment_planning.configuration).