Blur faces in a video automatically.
Often the need arises to blur/pixelate the faces of individuals in a video to protect their privacy. Often this is done in a manual fashion on a frame by frame basis. With AutoBlur, we leverage the power of deep learning to build something potentially useful and easy to use!
Dont forget to read docs!
Check out the demo video here.
Note: The default master branch comes with many demo videos. This increases the repository size unnecessarily. Hence, for a lighter implementation devoid of these videos, clone the light branch.
To get the default master branch:
git clone --single-branch --branch master
To get the light branch:
git clone --single-branch --branch light
For Usage, please check out
Often the intention is to blur/pixelate out all faces except one or more particular faces. Hence, it would be a great feature if the user could be provided a GUI based interface wherein he can select faces to be left out of pixelation in real-time.
- Construct a GUI interface to allow the user to leave out faces from pixelation.