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half of redis server are not available! #22

nimaamiri92 opened this issue Sep 10, 2018 · 6 comments

half of redis server are not available! #22

nimaamiri92 opened this issue Sep 10, 2018 · 6 comments


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What is this this error?

It's not possible to acquire a lock because at least half of the Redis serv er are not available.

This is my code:

        $redis = new Client;
        $my_range = range(1,100);

        foreach ($my_range as $each_range){
            $mutex = new PredisMutex([$redis], "balance");
            $mutex->synchronized(function () use($each_range) {
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Please validate that the $redis object can connect to the Redis server.

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nimaamiri92 commented Sep 11, 2018

Im pretty sure!
without above pseudo code my $redis object work fine, but when add this code give this error

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Im pretty sure!
without above pseudo code my $redis object work fine, but when add this code give this error

Did you check a result from $redis->connect();? This is a good practice to use x-debug and store any results to variables like this:

$result = $redis->connect();

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Im pretty sure!
without above pseudo code my $redis object work fine, but when add this code give this error

Did you check a result from $redis->connect();? This is a good practice to use x-debug and store any results to variables like this:

$result = $redis->connect();

You are right $redis->connect() return null because that's void function.
but the $redis variable contain:

Predis\Client {#806
  #connection: Predis\Connection\StreamConnection {#810
    -resource: stream resource {@496
      timed_out: false
      blocked: true
      eof: false
      stream_type: "tcp_socket/ssl"
      mode: "r+"
      unread_bytes: 0
      seekable: false
      options: []
    -cachedId: null
    #parameters: Predis\Connection\Parameters {#808
      -parameters: array:3 [
        "scheme" => "tcp"
        "host" => ""
        "port" => 6379
    #initCommands: []
  #options: Predis\Configuration\Options {#807
    #input: []
    #options: array:2 [
      "connections" => Predis\Connection\Factory {#809
        -defaults: []
        #schemes: array:6 [
          "tcp" => "Predis\Connection\StreamConnection"
          "unix" => "Predis\Connection\StreamConnection"
          "tls" => "Predis\Connection\StreamConnection"
          "redis" => "Predis\Connection\StreamConnection"
          "rediss" => "Predis\Connection\StreamConnection"
          "http" => "Predis\Connection\WebdisConnection"
      "profile" => Predis\Profile\RedisVersion320 {#812
        -commands: array:159 [
          "EXISTS" => "Predis\Command\KeyExists"
          "DEL" => "Predis\Command\KeyDelete"
          "TYPE" => "Predis\Command\KeyType"
          "KEYS" => "Predis\Command\KeyKeys"
          "RANDOMKEY" => "Predis\Command\KeyRandom"
          "RENAME" => "Predis\Command\KeyRename"
          "RENAMENX" => "Predis\Command\KeyRenamePreserve"
          "EXPIRE" => "Predis\Command\KeyExpire"
          "EXPIREAT" => "Predis\Command\KeyExpireAt"
          "TTL" => "Predis\Command\KeyTimeToLive"
          "MOVE" => "Predis\Command\KeyMove"
          "SORT" => "Predis\Command\KeySort"
          "DUMP" => "Predis\Command\KeyDump"
          "RESTORE" => "Predis\Command\KeyRestore"
          "SET" => "Predis\Command\StringSet"
          "SETNX" => "Predis\Command\StringSetPreserve"
          "MSET" => "Predis\Command\StringSetMultiple"
          "MSETNX" => "Predis\Command\StringSetMultiplePreserve"
          "GET" => "Predis\Command\StringGet"
          "MGET" => "Predis\Command\StringGetMultiple"
          "GETSET" => "Predis\Command\StringGetSet"
          "INCR" => "Predis\Command\StringIncrement"
          "INCRBY" => "Predis\Command\StringIncrementBy"
          "DECR" => "Predis\Command\StringDecrement"
          "DECRBY" => "Predis\Command\StringDecrementBy"
          "RPUSH" => "Predis\Command\ListPushTail"
          "LPUSH" => "Predis\Command\ListPushHead"
          "LLEN" => "Predis\Command\ListLength"
          "LRANGE" => "Predis\Command\ListRange"
          "LTRIM" => "Predis\Command\ListTrim"
          "LINDEX" => "Predis\Command\ListIndex"
          "LSET" => "Predis\Command\ListSet"
          "LREM" => "Predis\Command\ListRemove"
          "LPOP" => "Predis\Command\ListPopFirst"
          "RPOP" => "Predis\Command\ListPopLast"
          "RPOPLPUSH" => "Predis\Command\ListPopLastPushHead"
          "SADD" => "Predis\Command\SetAdd"
          "SREM" => "Predis\Command\SetRemove"
          "SPOP" => "Predis\Command\SetPop"
          "SMOVE" => "Predis\Command\SetMove"
          "SCARD" => "Predis\Command\SetCardinality"
          "SISMEMBER" => "Predis\Command\SetIsMember"
          "SINTER" => "Predis\Command\SetIntersection"
          "SINTERSTORE" => "Predis\Command\SetIntersectionStore"
          "SUNION" => "Predis\Command\SetUnion"
          "SUNIONSTORE" => "Predis\Command\SetUnionStore"
          "SDIFF" => "Predis\Command\SetDifference"
          "SDIFFSTORE" => "Predis\Command\SetDifferenceStore"
          "SMEMBERS" => "Predis\Command\SetMembers"
          "SRANDMEMBER" => "Predis\Command\SetRandomMember"
          "ZADD" => "Predis\Command\ZSetAdd"
          "ZINCRBY" => "Predis\Command\ZSetIncrementBy"
          "ZREM" => "Predis\Command\ZSetRemove"
          "ZRANGE" => "Predis\Command\ZSetRange"
          "ZREVRANGE" => "Predis\Command\ZSetReverseRange"
          "ZRANGEBYSCORE" => "Predis\Command\ZSetRangeByScore"
          "ZCARD" => "Predis\Command\ZSetCardinality"
          "ZSCORE" => "Predis\Command\ZSetScore"
          "ZREMRANGEBYSCORE" => "Predis\Command\ZSetRemoveRangeByScore"
          "PING" => "Predis\Command\ConnectionPing"
          "AUTH" => "Predis\Command\ConnectionAuth"
          "SELECT" => "Predis\Command\ConnectionSelect"
          "ECHO" => "Predis\Command\ConnectionEcho"
          "QUIT" => "Predis\Command\ConnectionQuit"
          "INFO" => "Predis\Command\ServerInfoV26x"
          "SLAVEOF" => "Predis\Command\ServerSlaveOf"
          "MONITOR" => "Predis\Command\ServerMonitor"
          "DBSIZE" => "Predis\Command\ServerDatabaseSize"
          "FLUSHDB" => "Predis\Command\ServerFlushDatabase"
          "FLUSHALL" => "Predis\Command\ServerFlushAll"
          "SAVE" => "Predis\Command\ServerSave"
          "BGSAVE" => "Predis\Command\ServerBackgroundSave"
          "LASTSAVE" => "Predis\Command\ServerLastSave"
          "SHUTDOWN" => "Predis\Command\ServerShutdown"
          "BGREWRITEAOF" => "Predis\Command\ServerBackgroundRewriteAOF"
          "SETEX" => "Predis\Command\StringSetExpire"
          "APPEND" => "Predis\Command\StringAppend"
          "SUBSTR" => "Predis\Command\StringSubstr"
          "BLPOP" => "Predis\Command\ListPopFirstBlocking"
          "BRPOP" => "Predis\Command\ListPopLastBlocking"
          "ZUNIONSTORE" => "Predis\Command\ZSetUnionStore"
          "ZINTERSTORE" => "Predis\Command\ZSetIntersectionStore"
          "ZCOUNT" => "Predis\Command\ZSetCount"
          "ZRANK" => "Predis\Command\ZSetRank"
          "ZREVRANK" => "Predis\Command\ZSetReverseRank"
          "ZREMRANGEBYRANK" => "Predis\Command\ZSetRemoveRangeByRank"
          "HSET" => "Predis\Command\HashSet"
          "HSETNX" => "Predis\Command\HashSetPreserve"
          "HMSET" => "Predis\Command\HashSetMultiple"
          "HINCRBY" => "Predis\Command\HashIncrementBy"
          "HGET" => "Predis\Command\HashGet"
          "HMGET" => "Predis\Command\HashGetMultiple"
          "HDEL" => "Predis\Command\HashDelete"
          "HEXISTS" => "Predis\Command\HashExists"
          "HLEN" => "Predis\Command\HashLength"
          "HKEYS" => "Predis\Command\HashKeys"
          "HVALS" => "Predis\Command\HashValues"
          "HGETALL" => "Predis\Command\HashGetAll"
          "MULTI" => "Predis\Command\TransactionMulti"
          "EXEC" => "Predis\Command\TransactionExec"
          "DISCARD" => "Predis\Command\TransactionDiscard"
          "SUBSCRIBE" => "Predis\Command\PubSubSubscribe"
          "UNSUBSCRIBE" => "Predis\Command\PubSubUnsubscribe"
          "PSUBSCRIBE" => "Predis\Command\PubSubSubscribeByPattern"
          "PUNSUBSCRIBE" => "Predis\Command\PubSubUnsubscribeByPattern"
          "PUBLISH" => "Predis\Command\PubSubPublish"
          "CONFIG" => "Predis\Command\ServerConfig"
          "PERSIST" => "Predis\Command\KeyPersist"
          "STRLEN" => "Predis\Command\StringStrlen"
          "SETRANGE" => "Predis\Command\StringSetRange"
          "GETRANGE" => "Predis\Command\StringGetRange"
          "SETBIT" => "Predis\Command\StringSetBit"
          "GETBIT" => "Predis\Command\StringGetBit"
          "RPUSHX" => "Predis\Command\ListPushTailX"
          "LPUSHX" => "Predis\Command\ListPushHeadX"
          "LINSERT" => "Predis\Command\ListInsert"
          "BRPOPLPUSH" => "Predis\Command\ListPopLastPushHeadBlocking"
          "ZREVRANGEBYSCORE" => "Predis\Command\ZSetReverseRangeByScore"
          "WATCH" => "Predis\Command\TransactionWatch"
          "UNWATCH" => "Predis\Command\TransactionUnwatch"
          "OBJECT" => "Predis\Command\ServerObject"
          "SLOWLOG" => "Predis\Command\ServerSlowlog"
          "CLIENT" => "Predis\Command\ServerClient"
          "PTTL" => "Predis\Command\KeyPreciseTimeToLive"
          "PEXPIRE" => "Predis\Command\KeyPreciseExpire"
          "PEXPIREAT" => "Predis\Command\KeyPreciseExpireAt"
          "MIGRATE" => "Predis\Command\KeyMigrate"
          "PSETEX" => "Predis\Command\StringPreciseSetExpire"
          "INCRBYFLOAT" => "Predis\Command\StringIncrementByFloat"
          "BITOP" => "Predis\Command\StringBitOp"
          "BITCOUNT" => "Predis\Command\StringBitCount"
          "HINCRBYFLOAT" => "Predis\Command\HashIncrementByFloat"
          "EVAL" => "Predis\Command\ServerEval"
          "EVALSHA" => "Predis\Command\ServerEvalSHA"
          "SCRIPT" => "Predis\Command\ServerScript"
          "TIME" => "Predis\Command\ServerTime"
          "SENTINEL" => "Predis\Command\ServerSentinel"
          "SCAN" => "Predis\Command\KeyScan"
          "BITPOS" => "Predis\Command\StringBitPos"
          "SSCAN" => "Predis\Command\SetScan"
          "ZSCAN" => "Predis\Command\ZSetScan"
          "ZLEXCOUNT" => "Predis\Command\ZSetLexCount"
          "ZRANGEBYLEX" => "Predis\Command\ZSetRangeByLex"
          "ZREMRANGEBYLEX" => "Predis\Command\ZSetRemoveRangeByLex"
          "ZREVRANGEBYLEX" => "Predis\Command\ZSetReverseRangeByLex"
          "HSCAN" => "Predis\Command\HashScan"
          "PUBSUB" => "Predis\Command\PubSubPubsub"
          "PFADD" => "Predis\Command\HyperLogLogAdd"
          "PFCOUNT" => "Predis\Command\HyperLogLogCount"
          "PFMERGE" => "Predis\Command\HyperLogLogMerge"
          "COMMAND" => "Predis\Command\ServerCommand"
          "HSTRLEN" => "Predis\Command\HashStringLength"
          "BITFIELD" => "Predis\Command\StringBitField"
          "GEOADD" => "Predis\Command\GeospatialGeoAdd"
          "GEOHASH" => "Predis\Command\GeospatialGeoHash"
          "GEOPOS" => "Predis\Command\GeospatialGeoPos"
          "GEODIST" => "Predis\Command\GeospatialGeoDist"
          "GEORADIUS" => "Predis\Command\GeospatialGeoRadius"
          "GEORADIUSBYMEMBER" => "Predis\Command\GeospatialGeoRadiusByMember"
        -processor: null
    #handlers: array:6 [
      "cluster" => "Predis\Configuration\ClusterOption"
      "connections" => "Predis\Configuration\ConnectionFactoryOption"
      "exceptions" => "Predis\Configuration\ExceptionsOption"
      "prefix" => "Predis\Configuration\PrefixOption"
      "profile" => "Predis\Configuration\ProfileOption"
      "replication" => "Predis\Configuration\ReplicationOption"
  -profile: Predis\Profile\RedisVersion320 {#812}

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Does Client object have any isConnected() method or another way to check connection?
This is a very optimistic way to use Client in the next line after $redis->connect();.

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Does Client object have any isConnected() method or another way to check connection?
This is a very optimistic way to use Client in the next line after $redis->connect();.

Yes, it has and return Ture

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