Gift Of The Sanctum is a very dynamic battle arena for wizards. The goal of course is to be the last one standing in a constantly shrinking arena and win the unimaginable riches, kept in The Sanctum. The battle is based on rounds and in the end of each round you can choose to either upgrade your magic spells or keep the points for your final score.
It was developed during HackFMI 4 by
or simply Team 1/2 Niki
- nodeJS
- socket.IO
- JavaScript
- HTML5 Canvas
- Azure Mobile Services
To run this on your localhost you need node.js, then clone this repo, navigate to the repo and run setup.bat.
To build the game:
grunt build:platform:config // for example: build:html5:debug
To run a development server:
grunt watch
node server.js
(or run dev_server.bat)
Change local_grunt_settings.json to modify your grunt watch
To run the code checkers:
grunt check-code
To run the tests
grunt test