Don Holloway
A veteran of both the music and telecommunications industries, Don Holloway is a Vice President for Aegis, a leading supplier of the telecom industry
Native Communications Newtown, Pennsylvania
Ken Nickerson
Maker, Coder, Hacker, MaveriX, XanaduAI, HorizonIO, CDL, i6, xdTaz, xOmers, xFlixel, xRthm, xKobo, xOpenCola, xMicrosoft, xRogers, xBanks, xXs
iBinary LLC Toronto, ON
Kot C
Hey! I'm interested in all things computer science. Though I mostly dabble in Go, Python, and TypeScript, I also have experience in C# and Rust.
Adept at full-stack development, fluent in JavaScript, Python, and SQL; can occasionally converse in Bash, PHP, and C.
Austin, TX
Boyd Kane
Spinning satellites at CubeSpace. Creator of eskom-calendar. Ex-AWS intern.
CubeSpace Cape Town, South Africa