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Restu Lomutotona Lomboe restu-lomboe
Nothing Impossible, You can if you think you can, trust to yourself and do it


Henrique Alves HenriqueRPG

Presidente Prudente, Brazil

Luca Puddu LucaPuddu
Standard nerd.

Cagliari, Sardinia (IT)

Dave Ostrander RS21-DaveO
Senior Developer at


Ray Blair rayblair06
Building software to support businesses and engineers

Newcastle Upon Tyne, England.

Gonçalo Dias goncalo-diaas
Fulll Stack Developer and Student working with PHP & Laravel

High Play Institute Portugal, Aveiro

Nothing's special here.


Pedram Shariat Naseri pedram-shariat
Based in IRAN / ALBORZ

NextPay IRAN

JS JStk-Dev
🎓 Student & 🔬 Researcher in automation 🤖 and ML 📊

JS Somewhere in the World

Pratik Bhujel prateekbhujel
Just a Human.

Nepal, Biratnagar

Samuel Oliva soliva-dev
Web Developer in process. I'm interested in PHP and DB.

Córdoba, Argentina

Zin Myo Maung phoelapyae
Fullstack Web Developer

Bangkok, Thailand

Martin Cajzer Bayerberg
I am a meat popsicle.

London, UK

phpete phpete1
I am a web developer and app developer. I love to build and learn things.

Self Employed Glasgow

Kauan Morais de Oliveira DevKauansinho
Desenvolvimento de Ssitemas👨‍💻
Nathanael McDaniel leemcd56
Follower of Christ. Slayer of Bugs.

@boone-software Petal, MS

Rangga Raditya Nugroho Oecophyllaa
Student | Laravel Enthusiast | Lifetime Learner

Politeknik Negeri Jember East Java, Indonesia

Dennis Hohmann dennishohmann
Education and social sciences, teacher as well, still learning

Vechta, Germany

Frederic fefed22
I'm a developper...
Paúl Crespo PaulCrespoC
Ingeniería en Ciencias de la Computación - Universidad de Cuenca

@devstdioec Cuenca, Ecuador

Godwin Agedah Godwin9911
I am a professional in the field of software engineering.

null Midgard

Charles Dave charles120794
I am a PHP Developer


M.Agung mohagungnursalim
Data Analyst | Independent Software Dev

Jaelangkara Digital Palu,Sulawesi Tengah,Indonesia

Sky RetiredQQ
Self learning programmer


Mauricio Rodrigues zabaala
Dev, sometimes Ops, Laravel Lover, PHP Evangelist, Guitar Player and Saulo’s Papá

Lisbon, Portugal

Marko Jozic jackmorizo
Senior Full-Stack Developer who loves to learn and to teach. "Things turn out best for those who make the best out of how things turn out." ― John Wooden


PHP Developer

Belgrade, Serbia

Antonio Hernández toniop99
Telecommunications engineering student and a passionate of programming.


Puleeno Nguyen puleeno
Fulltime Opensource Developer - Make the big world from little things

Can Tho, Vietnam

Arizona 🌵


Akhmad Salafudin axmad386
1 Million IQ | Web Developer | Physicist | Founder of @kodepandai

@semarangplaza , @kodepandai Semarang, Indonesia

Evan Mulrooney emulrooney

@fastnorth Toronto, Ontario

The trouble is you think you have time.