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Run a Predictoor Bot

This README shows how to earn $ by running a predictoor bot on mainnet.

Main flow:

  1. Install
  2. Simulate modeling & trading
  3. Run bot on testnet
  4. Run bot on mainnet
  5. Claim payout
  6. Run dashboard to monitor and analyze performance

Once you're done the main flow, you can go beyond, with any of:

1. Install pdr-backend Repo


  • Python 3.12. Earlier will fail, e.g. can't find UTC. Details
  • Ubuntu MacOS. Not Windows.

In a new console:

# clone the repo and enter into it
git clone
cd pdr-backend

# create & activate virtualenv
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

# install modules in the environment
pip install -r requirements.txt

# add pwd to bash path
export PATH=$PATH:.

You need a local copy of Ocean contract addresses address.json. In console:

# make directory if needed
mkdir -p ~/.ocean; mkdir -p ~/.ocean/ocean-contracts; mkdir -p ~/.ocean/ocean-contracts/artifacts/

# copy from github to local directory. Or, use wget if Linux. Or, download via browser.
curl -o ~/.ocean/ocean-contracts/artifacts/address.json

If you're running MacOS, then in console:

# so that works. Details in #66
codesign --force --deep --sign - venv/sapphirepy_bin/sapphirewrapper-arm64.dylib

# so that xgboost works. Details in #1339
brew install libomp

2. Simulate Modeling and Trading

Simulation allows us to quickly build intuition, and assess the performance of the data / predicting / trading strategy (backtest).

Copy ppss.yaml into your own file my_ppss.yaml and change parameters as you see fit.

cp ppss.yaml my_ppss.yaml

Let's run the simulation engine. In console:

pdr sim my_ppss.yaml

What the engine does does:

  1. Set simulation parameters.
  2. Grab historical price data from exchanges and stores in lake_data/ dir. It re-uses any previously saved data.
  3. Run through many 5min epochs. At each epoch:
    • Build a model
    • Predict
    • Trade
    • Log to console and logs/out_<time>.txt
    • For plots, output state to sim_state/

Let's visualize results. Open a separate console, and:

cd ~/code/pdr-backend # or wherever your pdr-backend dir is
source venv/bin/activate
export PATH=$PATH:.

# start the plots server
pdr sim_plots

The plots server will give a url, such as Open that url in your browser to see plots update in real time.

"Predict" actions are two-sided: it does one "up" prediction tx, and one "down" tx, with more stake to the higher-confidence direction. Two-sided is more profitable than one-sided prediction.

By default, simulation uses a linear model inputting prices of the previous 2-10 epochs as inputs (autoregressive_n), just BTC close price as input, a simulated 0% trading fee, and a trading strategy of "buy if predict up; sell 5min later". You can play with different values in my_ppss.yaml.

Profit isn't guaranteed: fees, slippage and more eats into them. Model accuracy makes a big difference too.

To see simulation CLI options: pdr sim -h.

Simulation uses Python logging framework. Configure it via logging.yaml. Here's a tutorial on yaml settings.

By default, Dash plots the latest sim (even if it is still running). To enable plotting for a specific run, e.g. if you used multisim or manually triggered different simulations, the sim engine assigns unique ids to each run. Select that unique id from the sim_state folder, and run pdr sim_plots --run_id <unique_id> e.g. pdr sim_plots --run-id 97f9633c-a78c-4865-9cc6-b5152c9500a3

You can run many instances of Dash at once, with different URLs. To run on different ports, use the --port argument.

3. Run Predictoor Bot on Sapphire Testnet

Predictoor contracts run on Oasis Sapphire testnet and mainnet. Sapphire is a privacy-preserving EVM-compatible L1 chain.

Let's get our predictoor bot running on testnet first.

The bot does two-sided predictions, like in simulation.

First, tokens! You need (fake) ROSE to pay for gas, and (fake) OCEAN to stake and earn, for both accounts. Get them here.

Then, copy & paste your private keys as envvars. In console:


Deploy the Prediction Submitter Manager

Copy ppss.yaml into your own file my_ppss.yaml.

cp ppss.yaml my_ppss.yaml

Prediction submitter manager is a smart contract that can submit predictions for multiple pairs and both sides in a single transaction. Predictoor agent uses this smart contract to submit predictions and it must be deployed first. To deploy the contract, run:

pdr deploy_pred_submitter_mgr my_ppss.yaml sapphire-testnet

Update YAML config with the contract address

Next, update my_ppss.yaml and input the contract address in place of predictoor_ss.bot_only.pred_submitter_mgr:

    pred_submitter_mgr: "CONTRACT_ADDRESS"

Update the rest of the config as desired.

Running the bot

Then, run a bot with modeling-on-the fly (approach 2). In console:

pdr predictoor my_ppss.yaml sapphire-testnet

Your bot is running, congrats! Sit back and watch it in action. It will loop continuously.

At every 5m/1h epoch, it builds & submits >1 times, to maximize accuracy without missing submission deadlines. Specifically: 60 s before predictions are due, it builds a model then prediction txs for up and for down (with stake for each). It repeats this until the deadline.

It logs to console, and to logs/out_<time>.txt. Like simulation, it uses Python logging framework, configurable in logging.yaml.

To see predictoor CLI options: pdr predictoor -h

The CLI has support tools too. Learn about each via:

  • pdr get_predictoor_info -h
  • pdr get_predictions_info -h
  • and more yet; type pdr -h to see

You can track behavior at finer resolution by writing more logs to the code, or querying Predictoor subgraph.

4. Run Predictoor Bot on Sapphire Mainnet

Time to make it real: let's get our bot running on Sapphire mainnet.

First, real tokens! Get ROSE via this guide and OCEAN via this guide, for each of your two accounts.

Then, copy & paste your private keys as envvars. (You can skip this if keys are same as testnet.) In console:


Follow the same steps in Deploy the Prediction Submitter Manager and make sure to update pred_submitter_mgr in the my_ppss.yaml config, update the rest of it as desired.

Then, run the bot. In console:

pdr predictoor my_ppss.yaml sapphire-mainnet

This is where there's real $ at stake. Good luck!

Track performance, as in testnet.

5. Claim Payout

When running predictoors on mainnet, you have the potential to earn $.

Here are instructions to claim your earnings.

Congrats! You've gone through all the essential steps to earn $ by running a predictoor bot on mainnet.

6. Run Dashboard

After running your predictor bot, you may monitor and analyze its performance.

To assist with this, pdr_backend provides a dashboard that utilizes live blockchain data to visualize key performance metrics such as accuracy, profit, and costs over a specific period.

Please refer to this setup guide for detailed instructions on how to set up, configure, and run the dashboard to visualize real-time data from the blockchain.

The next sections describe how to go beyond, by optimizing the model and more.

Optimize model

You can tune your data & model for accuracy, which in turn will optimize it for $. And you can write your own code too, to push performance further. This section covers both.

Optimize model: Tuning

Top-level tuning flow:

  1. Use multisim tool to find optimal parameters, via simulation runs
  2. Bring your model as a Predictoor bot to testnet then mainnet.

Detailed tuning flow. First, specify your sweep parameters & respective values in my_ppss.yaml, section multisim_ss. Here's an example.

  approach: SimpleSweep # SimpleSweep | FastSweep (future) | ..
  - trader_ss.buy_amt: 1000 USD, 2000 USD
  - predictoor_ss.aimodel_ss.max_n_train: 500, 1000, 1500
  - predictoor_ss.aimodel_ss.input_feeds:
      - binance BTC/USDT c 5m
      - binance BTC/USDT ETH/USDT c 5m
      - kraken BTC/USDT c 5m

In the example, three parameters are being swept:

  1. trader_ss.buy_amt, with two possible values: (i) 1000 USD or (ii) 2000 USD
  2. predictoor_ss.aimodel_ss.max_n_train, with three possible values: (i) 500, (ii) 1000, or (iii) 1500
  3. predictoor_ss.aimodel_ss.input_feeds, with two possible values: (i) just binance BTC/USDT close price, or (ii) binance BTC/USDT & ETH/USDT close price, and kraken BTC/USDT close price.

The total number of combinations is 2 x 3 x 2 = 12.

Then, run pdr multisim PPSS_FILE.

The multisim tool will run a separate simulation for each of the 12 combinations.

As it runs, it will update a csv file summarizing results, as follows.

  • name is multisim_metrics_UNIX-TIME-MS.csv, where UNIX-TIME-MS is the unix time at the start of the multisim run, in milliseconds.
  • The columns of the csv are: run_number, performance metric 1, performance metric 2, ..., ppss setup parameter 1, setup parameter 2, ... .
    • Performance metrics are currently: "acc_est" (model prediction accuracy at end), "acc_l" (lower-bound accuracy), "acc_u" (upper-bound accuracy), "f1", "precision", "recall".
  • The first row of the csv is the header. Each subsequent row is the results for a given run. For the example above, there will be 1+12 rows.

Go further: write code. You can go beyond tuning parameters, by developing your own data or modeling. Here's how:

  1. Fork pdr-backend repo.
  2. Change code for data, modeling, or otherwise as you wish. Run multisim to tune further
  3. Bring your model as a Predictoor bot to testnet then mainnet.

Right-size staking

The default predictoor approaches have a fixed-amount stake with a small default value. Yet the more you stake, the more you can earn, up to a point: if you stake too much then the losses from slashing exceed wins from rewards.

So what's the right amount?

The blog post "Right-Size Staking in Ocean Predictoor" explores this in great detail, and gives practical guidance. You can implement some or all of the ideas.

Run local network

To get extra-fast block iterations, you can run a local test network (with local bots). It does take a bit more up-front setup. Get started here.

Run many bots

The instructions above are on running a single bot on a single prediction feed. Yet Predictoor has many feeds. You could manually run & monitor one bot per feed. But this gets tedious beyond a few feeds. Here, we show how to run many bots by containerizing each bot, and using Kubernetes to manage them via the deployer CLI utility.

deployer is a streamlined CLI utility designed for efficiently generating and managing agent deployments.

This section shows how to use deployer to deploy bots on testnet.

Many bots: config

The config that will be deployed can be found in ppss.yaml under deployment_configs section. You can create your own config by copying the existing one and modifying it as you wish. For the sake of this example, the existing config will be used.


    cpu: "1"
    memory: "512Mi"
    source: "binance"
    type: "predictoor"
    approach: 2
    network: "sapphire-testnet"
    s_until_epoch_end: 20
    pdr_backend_image_source: "oceanprotocol/pdr-backend:latest"
      - pair: "BTC/USDT"
        stake_amt: 0.1
        timeframe: 5m
        approach: 1
      - pair: "ETH/USDT"
        stake_amt: 1
        timeframe: 1h
        s_until_epoch_end: 100

Many bots: give keys

Create a .keys.json file and add the following:

  "testnet_predictoor_deployment": ["pk1", "pk2"]

Each agent requires a private key. If you have fewer private keys than number of agents, the tool will create new wallets and update the .keys.json file. Make sure the wallets have enough ROSE and OCEAN to pay for gas and stake.

Many bots: generate templates

The generate command is used to create deployment template files based on a configuration file.

Execute the following command to generate the deployment templates:

pdr deployer generate ppss.yaml testnet_predictoor_deployment k8s testnet_deployments

Where ppss.yaml is the config file, testnet_predictoor_deployment is the config name, k8s is the deployment method, and testnet_deployments is the output directory for the generated files.

Available deployment methods are k8s.

Many bots: deploy agents

The deploy command is used to deploy agents that follow the generated templates.

Execute the following command to deploy the generated config:

pdr deployer deploy testnet_predictoor_deployment -p gcp -r europe-west2 --project-id

Where testnet_predictoor_deployment is the config name.

Since k8s is used as the deployment method, the following additional parameters are required:

  • -p or --provider: The cloud provider to use. Available options are gcp, aws, and azure.
  • -r or --region: The region to deploy to.
  • --project-id: The cloud provider project id. Only required for GCP.
  • --resource-group: The cloud provider resource group. Only required Azure.
  • --subscription-id: The cloud provider subscription id. Only required for Azure.

Many bots: monitor agents

The logs command is used to retrieve logs from deployed agents.

Execute the following command to retrieve logs from the deployed agents:

pdr deployer logs testnet_predictoor_deployment

Where testnet_predictoor_deployment is the config name.

Many bots: destroy agents

The destroy command is used to destroy agents deployed based on a specified configuration.

Execute the following command to destroy the deployed agents:

pdr deployer destroy testnet_predictoor_deployment

Where testnet_predictoor_deployment is the config name.


You will lose money as a predictoor if your $ out exceeds your $ in. If you have low accuracy you’ll have your stake slashed a lot. Do account for gas fees, compute costs, and more. Everything you do is your responsibility, at your discretion. None of this repo is financial advice.