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We welcome contributions to help us improve and complete the docs. To contribute, see the Contributing Guide and the issues list.
Grammar and spelling: Despite all efforts, grammar and spelling errors do make their way into our published documents. If you spot such a mistake, you are more than welcome to create a pull request to fix the issue. Every article displays an "Improve this Doc" button that takes you to the source file on GitHub. You can edit the article by clicking the pencil icon on GitHub. Once you have made your changes, scroll to the bottom of the page, enter a title and description for your pull request and click Propose file change. We will be more than happy to review and merge your pull request.
Large contributions: If you want to make a large contribution, e.g., new article, add an image or changes that span multiple articles, please fork the repository, create a new working branch in your local repository to capture your proposed changes and submit a pull request, so we could review and merge your branch.
If there's something missing or not clear, just create an issue so we can discuss the missing description or ambiguity. Thank you for contributing to NETX documentation!