Consult: It seems there’s a typo in GID: the description of 'akademi' should be '1*' instead of '*1'. It doesn’t seem to mean "words not original GEO (Clark/Ashby)", because there’s also a "1" (words that appear in one of the several "Glosa 1000" lists).
The line breaks does not work.
The converted data is right:
>apparent: feno [1++G] + >appeal: petitio [1++] + >appear: feno [1++G]; surge [1++]; monstra se [1+]; apare [1]; gene vista [1] + >appearance: feno [1++G] + >appease: apaci + >appendix: apendici [1] + >appetite: fo-volu [1++]; apetiti [1+]; libido [1+]; apeti [1] + >applaud: lauda [1++]; soni lauda [1+]; aplaude (prefer lauda) + >applause: toribo [G] +
But the conversion to DocBook fails:
>apparent: feno [1G]<?asciidoc-br?> >appeal: petitio [1] + >appear: feno [1G]; surge [1]; monstra se [1+]; apare [1]; gene vista [1] + >appearance: feno [1G]<?asciidoc-br?> >appease: apaci<?asciidoc-br?> >appendix: apendici [1]<?asciidoc-br?> >appetite: fo-volu [1]; apetiti [1+]; libido [1+]; apeti [1] + >applaud: lauda [1]; soni lauda [1+]; aplaude (prefer lauda)<?asciidoc-br?> >applause: toribo [G]<?asciidoc-br?>
And anyway <?asciidoc-br?>
is not recognized by pandoc.