- For running TissueMiner API
Export a shell variable named
pointing to the config file you would like to use. E.g. to useconfig/flywing_tm_config.R
, before running snakemake, just do
export TM_CONFIG=$TM_HOME/config/flywing_tm_config.R
- For running TissueMiner snakemake workflow
- Ubuntu:
export TM_CONFIG=$TM_HOME/config/flywing_tm_config.R
- Docker: defined my_config.R in the movie repository and run the command below
alias tm='docker run --rm -ti -v $(dirname $PWD):/movies -w /movies/$(basename $PWD) -u rstudio etournay/tissue_miner' tm "export TM_CONFIG=/movies/my_config.R; sm all"
- Ubuntu:
TissueMiner uses the cell tracking information from TissueAnalyzer, which implies that cell tracking must have been done in TissueAnalyzer. Two masks - tracked_cell_resized.tif and cell_division.tif - from TissueAnalyzer are read by TissueMiner. These 2 masks are required.
In addition, the user must provide the cumulative time (in seconds) of the movie, in a file called cumultimesec.txt
Yes, it can. Any segmentation tool that would produce a binary segmentation mask can be used in TissueAnalyzer for further cell tracking. Only the tracking step in TissueAnalyzer is currently required for TissueMiner to work.
TissueMiner works downstream of TissueAnalyzer. Therefore TissueAnalyzer is included in the TissueMiner framework.
Edit the tm.snkmk file located in the workflow folder, and find and replace %03d by the desired padding (ex: %04d for 4 digits).
On the docker plateform (Linux, MacOs, Windows) simply pull latest image again with
docker pull etournay/tissue_miner
On ubuntu simply fetch the changes by
cd ${TM_HOME} && git pull origin && cd parser && make clean all
Caution: if you do this, you may lose all of your local changes in tissue_miner
git fetch --all
git reset --hard origin/master