Currently, your frontend website is open to anonymous users. In this lab, you will enable Azure Active Directory OAuth2 authentication in the statusapp
Make sure you are still in the statusapp
folder with the same files that you created in Labs 4-7.
Azure Active Directory objects are managed by a separate Pulumi provider called AzureAD
. Install the provider by running
npm install @pulumi/azuread
Extend the file website.ts
with the definition of an Azure AD Application:
import * as azuread from "@pulumi/azuread";
export const tenantId = pulumi.output(azure.core.getClientConfig()).tenantId;
const apiAppName=`${appName}-api`;
const apiApp = new azuread.Application(apiAppName, {
name: apiAppName,
oauth2AllowImplicitFlow: true,
replyUrls: [storageAccountUrl, cdnUrl],
identifierUris: [`http://${apiAppName}`],
appRoles: [{
allowedMemberTypes: [ "User" ],
description:"Access to device status",
displayName:"Get Device Status",
value: "GetStatus",
requiredResourceAccesses: [{
resourceAppId: "00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000",
resourceAccesses: [ { id: "e1fe6dd8-ba31-4d61-89e7-88639da4683d", type: "Scope" } ],
export const applicationId = apiApp.applicationId;
Note that it lists URLs of the Storage Account and CDN as well-known reply URLs.
✅ After these changes, your files should look like this.
Download the zip archive from It contains the files for the same static website but with authentication enabled.
Extract the contents into the folder droneapp-auth
under the folder statusapp
. Make sure that the HTML and JavaScript files are located directly inside statusapp/droneapp-auth
(not in a subfolder below).
The source for this application is available here.
Open the file websiteFiles.ts
. Change the name of the folder there:
const folderName = "droneapp-auth";
Also, change the asset
calculation block to populate the tenant ID, client ID, and application ID inside the static files:
const asset = pulumi.all([api.apiUrl, website.tenantId, website.applicationId])
.apply(([url, tenant, app]) =>
rawText.replace("[API_URL]", url)
.replace("[TENANT_ID]", tenant)
.replace("[APP_ID]", app)
.replace("[CLIENT_ID]", app))
.apply(text => new pulumi.asset.StringAsset(text));
Now, you should also enforce authentication in the API Management layer. Navigate to api.ts
, find the ApiPolicy
resource and insert validate-jwt
block as below:
const apiPolicy = new azure.apimanagement.ApiPolicy("policy", {
<validate-jwt header-name="Authorization" failed-validation-httpcode="401" failed-validation-error-message="Unauthorized. Access token is missing or invalid.">
<openid-config url="${website.tenantId}/.well-known/openid-configuration" />
<required-claims><claim name="aud"><value>${website.applicationId}</value></claim></required-claims>
<rewrite-uri template="GetStatusFunction?deviceId={deviceid}" />
✅ After these changes, your files should look like this.
Deploy the stack
$ pulumi up
Updating (dev):
+ 13 created
- 12 deleted
+-8 replaced
~ 1 updated
34 changes. 17 unchanged
Navigate to the website in a browser and make sure that you get a login screen like this one:
Note: if you are using the CDN URL, mind that the old files may be served for a while due to caching.
Click the "Sign In" button and login with your Azure username and password, then accept the permission request.
Now, the search screen should appear, and your user account is shown in the top-right corner.
Congratulations! 🎉 You have successfully setup Azure AD authentication for your website.
You have completed the labs! You are awesome! 🎉
After you are done with playing with the application, don't forget to clean up the infrastructure by running pulumi destroy
in both statusapp
and telemetry
projects (in this order).
You will always be able to re-create them, because the infrastructure is defined as code!