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+# Authors
+The list of contributors in alphabetical order:
+- [Alizee Pace](https://www.linkedin.com/in/aliz%C3%A9e-pace-516b4314b/)
+- [Anton Khodak](https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3263-4553)
+- [Audrius Mecionis](https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3759-1663)
+- [Diego Rodriguez](https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0649-2002)
+- [Dinos Kousidis](https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4914-4289)
+- [Jan Okraska](https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1416-3244)
+- [Marco Donadoni](https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2922-5505)
+- [Marco Vidal](https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9363-4971)
+- [Maria Fernando](https://github.com/MMFernando)
+- [Tibor Simko](https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7202-5803)
+- [Vladyslav Moisieienkov](https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9717-0775)
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-The list of contributors in alphabetical order:
-- `Alizee Pace `_
-- `Anton Khodak `_
-- `Audrius Mecionis `_
-- `Diego Rodriguez `_
-- `Dinos Kousidis `_
-- `Jan Okraska `_
-- `Marco Donadoni `_
-- `Marco Vidal `_
-- `Maria Fernando `_
-- `Tibor Simko `_
-- `Vladyslav Moisieienkov `_
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+# REANA example - "world population"
+## About
+This [REANA](http://www.reana.io/) reproducible analysis example demonstrates how to use
+parametrised Jupyter notebook to analyse the world population evolution.
+## Analysis structure
+Making a research data analysis reproducible basically means to provide "runnable
+recipes" addressing (1) where is the input data, (2) what software was used to analyse
+the data, (3) which computing environments were used to run the software and (4) which
+computational workflow steps were taken to run the analysis. This will permit to
+instantiate the analysis on the computational cloud and run the analysis to obtain (5)
+output results.
+### 1. Input data
+We shall use the following input dataset:
+- [World_historical_and_predicted_populations_in_percentage.csv](data/World_historical_and_predicted_populations_in_percentage.csv)
+It contains historical and predicted world population numbers in CSV format and was
+compiled from [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_population).
+### 2. Analysis code
+We have developed a simple Jupyter notebook for illustration:
+- [worldpopulation.ipynb](code/worldpopulation.ipynb)
+It studies the input dataset and prints a figure about how the world population evolved
+in the given region as a function of time.
+The analysis code can be seen by browsing the above notebook.
+### 3. Compute environment
+In order to be able to rerun the analysis even several years in the future, we need to
+"encapsulate the current compute environment", for example to freeze the Jupyter notebook
+version and the notebook kernel that our analysis was using. We shall achieve this by
+preparing a [Docker](https://www.docker.com/) container image for our analysis steps.
+Let us assume that we are using CentOS7 operating system and Jupyter Notebook 1.0 with
+IPython 5.0 kernel to run the above analysis on our laptop. We can use an
+already-prepared Docker image called
+[reana-env-jupyter](https://github.com/reanahub/reana-env-jupyter). Please have a look at
+that repository if you would like to create yours. Here it is enough to use this
+environment "as is" and simply mount our notebook code for execution.
+### 4. Analysis workflow
+This analysis is very simple because it consists basically of running only the notebook
+which will produce the final plot.
+In order to ease the rerunning of the analysis with different parameters, we are using
+[papermill](https://github.com/nteract/papermill) to parametrise the notebook inputs.
+The input parameters are located in a tagged cell and define:
+- `input_file` - the location of the input CSV data file (see above)
+- `region` - the region of teh world to analyse (e.g. Africa)
+- `year_min` - starting year
+- `year_max` - ending year
+- `output_file` - the location where the final plot should be produced.
+The workflow can be represented as follows:
+ |
+ |
+ V
+| run parametrised notebook | <-- input_file
+| | <-- region, year_min, year_max
+| $ papermill ... |
+ |
+ | plot.png
+ V
+For example:
+$ papermill ./code/worldpopulation.ipynb /dev/null \
+ -p input_file ./data/World_historical_and_predicted_populations_in_percentage.csv \
+ -p output_file ./results/plot.png \
+ -p region Europe \
+ -p year_min 1600 \
+ -p year_max 2010
+$ ls -l results/plot.png
+Note that we can also use [CWL](http://www.commonwl.org/v1.0/), [Yadage](https://github.com/diana-hep/yadage) or [Snakemake](https://snakemake.github.io)
+: workflow specifications:
+- [workflow definition using CWL](workflow/cwl/worldpopulation.cwl)
+- [workflow definition using Yadage](workflow/yadage/workflow.yaml)
+- [workflow definition using Snakemake](workflow/snakemake/Snakefile)
+### 5. Output results
+The example produces a plot representing the population of the given world region
+relative to the total world population as a function of time:
+## Running the example on REANA cloud
+There are two ways to execute this analysis example on REANA.
+If you would like to simply launch this analysis example on the REANA instance at CERN
+and inspect its results using the web interface, please click on one of the following
+badges, depending on which workflow system (CWL, Serial, Snakemake, Yadage) you would
+like to use:
+If you would like a step-by-step guide on how to use the REANA command-line client to
+launch this analysis example, please read on.
+We start by creating a [reana.yaml](reana.yaml) file describing the above analysis
+structure with its inputs, code, runtime environment, computational workflow steps and
+expected outputs:
+version: 0.3.0
+ files:
+ - code/worldpopulation.ipynb
+ - data/World_historical_and_predicted_populations_in_percentage.csv
+ parameters:
+ notebook: code/worldpopulation.ipynb
+ input_file: data/World_historical_and_predicted_populations_in_percentage.csv
+ output_file: results/plot.png
+ region: Africa
+ year_min: 1500
+ year_max: 2012
+ type: serial
+ specification:
+ steps:
+ - environment: 'docker.io/reanahub/reana-env-jupyter:2.0.0'
+ commands:
+ - mkdir -p results && papermill ${notebook} /dev/null -p input_file ${input_file} -p output_file ${output_file} -p region ${region} -p year_min ${year_min} -p year_max ${year_max}
+ files:
+ - results/plot.png
+In this example we are using a simple Serial workflow engine to represent our sequential
+computational workflow steps. Note that we can also use the CWL workflow specification
+(see [reana-cwl.yaml](reana-cwl.yaml)), the Yadage workflow specification (see
+[reana-yadage.yaml](reana-yadage.yaml)) or the Snakemake workflow specification (see
+We can now install the REANA command-line client, run the analysis and download the
+resulting plots:
+$ # create new virtual environment
+$ virtualenv ~/.virtualenvs/reana
+$ source ~/.virtualenvs/reana/bin/activate
+$ # install REANA client
+$ pip install reana-client
+$ # connect to some REANA cloud instance
+$ export REANA_SERVER_URL=https://reana.cern.ch/
+$ # create new workflow
+$ reana-client create -n myanalysis
+$ export REANA_WORKON=myanalysis
+$ # upload input code, data and workflow to the workspace
+$ reana-client upload
+$ # start computational workflow
+$ reana-client start
+$ # ... should be finished in about a minute
+$ reana-client status
+$ # list workspace files
+$ reana-client ls
+$ # download output results
+$ reana-client download
+Please see the [REANA-Client](https://reana-client.readthedocs.io/) documentation for
+more detailed explanation of typical `reana-client` usage scenarios.
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- REANA example - "world population"
-.. image:: https://github.com/reanahub/reana-demo-worldpopulation/workflows/CI/badge.svg
- :target: https://github.com/reanahub/reana-demo-worldpopulation/actions
-.. image:: https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg
- :target: https://gitter.im/reanahub/reana?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge
-.. image:: https://img.shields.io/github/license/reanahub/reana-demo-worldpopulation.svg
- :target: https://github.com/reanahub/reana-demo-worldpopulation/blob/master/LICENSE
-.. image:: https://www.reana.io/static/img/badges/launch-on-reana-at-cern.svg
- :target: https://reana.cern.ch/launch?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Freanahub%2Freana-demo-worldpopulation&specification=reana.yaml&name=reana-demo-worldpopulation
-This `REANA `_ reproducible analysis example demonstrates
-how to use parametrised Jupyter notebook to analyse the world population
-Analysis structure
-Making a research data analysis reproducible basically means to provide
-"runnable recipes" addressing (1) where is the input data, (2) what software was
-used to analyse the data, (3) which computing environments were used to run the
-software and (4) which computational workflow steps were taken to run the
-analysis. This will permit to instantiate the analysis on the computational
-cloud and run the analysis to obtain (5) output results.
-1. Input data
-We shall use the following input dataset:
-- `World_historical_and_predicted_populations_in_percentage.csv `_
-It contains historical and predicted world population numbers in CSV format and
-was compiled from `Wikipedia `_.
-2. Analysis code
-We have developed a simple Jupyter notebook for illustration:
-- `worldpopulation.ipynb `_
-It studies the input dataset and prints a figure about how the world population
-evolved in the given region as a function of time.
-The analysis code can be seen by browsing the above notebook.
-3. Compute environment
-In order to be able to rerun the analysis even several years in the future, we
-need to "encapsulate the current compute environment", for example to freeze the
-Jupyter notebook version and the notebook kernel that our analysis was using. We
-shall achieve this by preparing a `Docker `_ container
-image for our analysis steps.
-Let us assume that we are using CentOS7 operating system and Jupyter Notebook
-1.0 with IPython 5.0 kernel to run the above analysis on our laptop. We can use
-an already-prepared Docker image called `reana-env-jupyter
-`_. Please have a look at that
-repository if you would like to create yours. Here it is enough to use this
-environment "as is" and simply mount our notebook code for execution.
-4. Analysis workflow
-This analysis is very simple because it consists basically of running only the
-notebook which will produce the final plot.
-In order to ease the rerunning of the analysis with different parameters, we are
-using `papermill `_ to parametrise the
-notebook inputs.
-The input parameters are located in a tagged cell and define:
-- ``input_file`` - the location of the input CSV data file (see above)
-- ``region`` - the region of teh world to analyse (e.g. Africa)
-- ``year_min`` - starting year
-- ``year_max`` - ending year
-- ``output_file`` - the location where the final plot should be produced.
-The workflow can be represented as follows:
-.. code-block:: console
- |
- |
- V
- +---------------------------+
- | run parametrised notebook | <-- input_file
- | | <-- region, year_min, year_max
- | $ papermill ... |
- +---------------------------+
- |
- | plot.png
- V
-For example:
-.. code-block:: console
- $ papermill ./code/worldpopulation.ipynb /dev/null \
- -p input_file ./data/World_historical_and_predicted_populations_in_percentage.csv \
- -p output_file ./results/plot.png \
- -p region Europe \
- -p year_min 1600 \
- -p year_max 2010
- $ ls -l results/plot.png
-Note that we can also use `CWL `_, `Yadage
-`_ or `Snakemake `_
- workflow specifications:
-- `workflow definition using CWL `_
-- `workflow definition using Yadage `_
-- `workflow definition using Snakemake `_
-5. Output results
-The example produces a plot representing the population of the given world
-region relative to the total world population as a function of time:
-.. figure:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/reanahub/reana-demo-worldpopulation/master/docs/plot.png
- :alt: plot.png
- :align: center
-Running the example on REANA cloud
-There are two ways to execute this analysis example on REANA.
-If you would like to simply launch this analysis example on the REANA instance
-at CERN and inspect its results using the web interface, please click on one of the following badges,
-depending on which workflow system (CWL, Serial, Snakemake, Yadage) you would like to use:
-.. raw:: html
-If you would like a step-by-step guide on how to use the REANA command-line
-client to launch this analysis example, please read on.
-We start by creating a `reana.yaml `_ file describing the above
-analysis structure with its inputs, code, runtime environment, computational
-workflow steps and expected outputs:
-.. code-block:: yaml
- version: 0.3.0
- inputs:
- files:
- - code/worldpopulation.ipynb
- - data/World_historical_and_predicted_populations_in_percentage.csv
- parameters:
- notebook: code/worldpopulation.ipynb
- input_file: data/World_historical_and_predicted_populations_in_percentage.csv
- output_file: results/plot.png
- region: Africa
- year_min: 1500
- year_max: 2012
- workflow:
- type: serial
- specification:
- steps:
- - environment: 'docker.io/reanahub/reana-env-jupyter:2.0.0'
- commands:
- - mkdir -p results && papermill ${notebook} /dev/null -p input_file ${input_file} -p output_file ${output_file} -p region ${region} -p year_min ${year_min} -p year_max ${year_max}
- outputs:
- files:
- - results/plot.png
-In this example we are using a simple Serial workflow engine to represent our
-sequential computational workflow steps. Note that we can also use the CWL
-workflow specification (see `reana-cwl.yaml `_), the Yadage
-workflow specification (see `reana-yadage.yaml `_) or the
-Snakemake workflow specification (see `reana-snakemake.yaml `_)).
-We can now install the REANA command-line client, run the analysis and download
-the resulting plots:
-.. code-block:: console
- $ # create new virtual environment
- $ virtualenv ~/.virtualenvs/reana
- $ source ~/.virtualenvs/reana/bin/activate
- $ # install REANA client
- $ pip install reana-client
- $ # connect to some REANA cloud instance
- $ export REANA_SERVER_URL=https://reana.cern.ch/
- $ # create new workflow
- $ reana-client create -n myanalysis
- $ export REANA_WORKON=myanalysis
- $ # upload input code, data and workflow to the workspace
- $ reana-client upload
- $ # start computational workflow
- $ reana-client start
- $ # ... should be finished in about a minute
- $ reana-client status
- $ # list workspace files
- $ reana-client ls
- $ # download output results
- $ reana-client download
-Please see the `REANA-Client `_
-documentation for more detailed explanation of typical ``reana-client`` usage