This guide covers how to develop and test this project. It assumes that you have cloned this repository to your local workstation.
You must use Java 11 or higher for developing, testing, and building this project. If you wish to use Sonar as described below, you must use Java 17 or higher.
To begin, you need to deploy the test application in this project to MarkLogic. You can do so either on your own
installation of MarkLogic, or you can use docker compose
to install MarkLogic, optionally as a 3-node cluster with
a load balancer in front of it.
If you wish to use docker compose
, perform the following steps before deploying the test application.
- Install Docker.
- Ensure that you don't have a MarkLogic instance running locally (if you do, you may run into port conflicts in the next step).
- Run
docker compose up -d --build
The above will result in a new MarkLogic instance with a single node.
Alternatively, if you would like to test against a 3-node MarkLogic cluster with a load balancer in front of it,
run docker compose -f docker-compose-3nodes.yaml up -d --build
To deploy the test application, first create ./
and add the following to it:
mlPassword=the password of your admin user
Then deploy the test application:
./gradlew -i mlDeploy
After the deployment finishes, you can go to http://localhost:8016 to verify that you get the MarkLogic REST API index page for the test application server.
To run the tests against the test application, run the following Gradle task:
./gradlew test
In order to use SonarQube, you must have used Docker to run this project's docker-compose.yml
file, and you must
have the services in that file running and you must use Java 17 to run the Gradle sonar
To configure the SonarQube service, perform the following steps:
- Go to http://localhost:9000 .
- Login as admin/admin. SonarQube will ask you to change this password; you can choose whatever you want ("password" works).
- Click on "Create project manually".
- Enter "marklogic-spark" for the Project Name; use that as the Project Key too.
- Enter "develop" as the main branch name.
- Click on "Next".
- Click on "Use the global setting" and then "Create project".
- On the "Analysis Method" page, click on "Locally".
- In the "Provide a token" panel, click on "Generate". Copy the token.
- Add
systemProp.sonar.token=your token pasted here
in the root of your project, creating that file if it does not exist yet.
To run SonarQube, run the following Gradle tasks using Java 17, which will run all the tests with code coverage and then generate a quality report with SonarQube:
./gradlew test sonar
If you do not add systemProp.sonar.token
to your
file, you can specify the token via the
./gradlew test sonar -Dsonar.token=paste your token here
When that completes, you will see a line like this near the end of the logging:
ANALYSIS SUCCESSFUL, you can find the results at: http://localhost:9000/dashboard?id=marklogic-spark
Click on that link. If it's the first time you've run the report, you'll see all issues. If you've run the report before, then SonarQube will show "New Code" by default. That's handy, as you can use that to quickly see any issues you've introduced on the feature branch you're working on. You can then click on "Overall Code" to see all issues.
Note that if you only need results on code smells and vulnerabilities, you can repeatedly run ./gradlew sonar
without having to re-run the tests.
You can also force Gradle to run sonar
if any tests fail:
./gradlew clean test sonar --continue
This project's docker-compose-3nodes.yaml
file includes
Grafana, Loki, and promtail services for the primary reason of
collecting MarkLogic log files and allowing them to be viewed and searched via Grafana.
Once you have run docker compose
, you can access Grafana at http://localhost:3000 . Follow these instructions to
access MarkLogic logging data:
- Click on the hamburger in the upper left hand corner and select "Explore", or simply go to http://localhost:3000/explore .
- Verify that "Loki" is the default data source - you should see it selected in the upper left hand corner below the "Home" link.
- Click on the "Select label" dropdown and choose
. Click on the "Select value" label for this filter and selectmarklogic
as the value. - Click on the blue "Run query" button in the upper right hand corner.
You should now see logs from all 3 nodes in the MarkLogic cluster.
The documentation for this project has instructions on using PySpark with the connector. The documentation instructs a user to obtain the connector from this repository's releases page. For development and testing, you will most likely want to build the connector yourself by running the following command from the root of this repository:
./gradlew clean shadowJar
This will produce a single jar file for the connector in the ./build/libs
You can then launch PySpark with the connector available via:
pyspark --jars build/libs/marklogic-spark-connector-2.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
The below command is an example of loading data from the test application deployed via the instructions at the top of this page.
df ="marklogic")\
.option("spark.marklogic.client.uri", "spark-test-user:spark@localhost:8016")\
.option("", "op.fromView('Medical', 'Authors')")\
.option("", 8)\
You now have a Spark dataframe - try some commands out on it:
Check out the PySpark docs for more commands you can try out.
You can query for documents as well - the following shows a simple example along with a technique for converting the binary content of each document into a string of JSON.
import json
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
df ="marklogic")\
.option("spark.marklogic.client.uri", "spark-test-user:spark@localhost:8016")\
.option("", "author")\
df2 ="content").cast("string"))
For a quick test of writing documents, use the following:"header", True).csv("src/test/resources/data.csv")\
.option("spark.marklogic.client.uri", "spark-test-user:spark@localhost:8000")\
.option("spark.marklogic.write.permissions", "spark-user-role,read,spark-user-role,update")\
.option("spark.marklogic.write.logProgress", 50)\
.option("spark.marklogic.write.batchSize", 10)\
When you run PySpark, it will create its own Spark cluster. If you'd like to try against a separate Spark cluster that still runs on your local machine, perform the following steps:
- Use sdkman to install Spark. Run
sdk install spark 3.4.3
since we are currently building against Spark 3.4.3. cd ~/.sdkman/candidates/spark/current/sbin
, which is where sdkman will install Spark.- Run
to start a master Spark node. cd ../logs
and open the master log file that was created to find the address for the master node. It will be in a log message similar toStarting Spark master at spark://NYWHYC3G0W:7077
- copy that address at the end of the ../sbin
.- Run
./ spark://NYWHYC3G0W:7077
, changing that address as necessary.
You can of course simplify the above steps by adding SPARK_HOME
to your env and adding $SPARK_HOME/sbin
to your
path, which thus avoids having to change directories. The log files in ./logs
are useful to tail as well.
The Spark master GUI is at http://localhost:8080. You can use this to view details about jobs running in the cluster.
Now that you have a Spark cluster running, you just need to tell PySpark to connect to it:
pyspark --master spark://NYWHYC3G0W:7077 --jars build/libs/marklogic-spark-connector-2.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
You can then run the same commands as shown in the PySpark section above. The Spark master GUI will allow you to examine details of each of the commands that you run.
The above approach is ultimately a sanity check to ensure that the connector works properly with a separate cluster process.
Once you have the above Spark cluster running, you can test out spark-submit which enables submitting a program and an optional set of jars to a Spark cluster for execution.
You will need the connector jar available, so run ./gradlew clean shadowJar
if you have not already.
You can then run a test Python program in this repository via the following (again, change the master address as
needed); note that you run this outside of PySpark, and spark-submit
is available after having installed PySpark:
spark-submit --master spark://NYWHYC3G0W:7077 --jars build/libs/marklogic-spark-connector-2.4-SNAPSHOT.jar src/test/python/
You can also test a Java program. To do so, first move the com.marklogic.spark.TestProgram
class from src/test/java
to src/main/java
. Then run ./gradlew clean shadowJar
to rebuild the connector jar. Then run the following:
spark-submit --master spark://NYWHYC3G0W:7077 --class com.marklogic.spark.TestProgram build/libs/marklogic-spark-connector-2.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
Be sure to move TestProgram
back to src/test/java
when you are done.
See the section with the same name in the MarkLogic Koop contributing guide.
If you are looking to test the examples in the documentation, please be sure to follow the instructions in the "Getting Started" guide. That involves creating an application in MarkLogic that has an app server listening on port 8003. You will use that app server instead of the test-app server on port 8016.