Click here to see the front-end implementation of the application.
Car Rental is a comprehensive back-end application designed to manage the operations of a car rental business.
Enterprise Layered Architecture:
- The application is organized into multiple layers: Business, Core, DataAccess, Entities, and WebAPI, each serving a distinct purpose to maintain separation of concerns and scalability.
Entity Framework:
- An Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework that simplifies data access by allowing developers to work with a database using .NET objects.
- A powerful Inversion of Control (IoC) container for dependency injection, enabling better management of dependencies. It supports Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) techniques like validation, caching and performance. Additionally, Autofac facilitates the use of design patterns like Singleton, ensuring that a class has only one instance throughout the application's lifecycle.
Fluent Validation:
- A library for building strongly-typed validation rules for business objects, ensuring data integrity and consistency.
SQL Server:
- The relational database management system (RDBMS) used to store and manage application data securely and efficiently.
Authentication & Authorization:
- Authentication: Verifies user identities using credentials.
- Authorization: Controls access to resources and actions based on user roles and permissions.
JWT Tokens:
- JSON Web Tokens are used for securely transmitting information between the server and the client as a compact, URL-safe token, primarily for user authentication and session management.
Caching & Performance Optimization:
- Implemented caching strategies to reduce database load and improve application response times, ensuring a smooth and efficient user experience.
After running the application, you can interract with the API using tools like Postman or Swagger UI.
All API responses follow a consistent structure:
"data": [/* The actual list of objects (data) returned by the endpoint, if any */],
"success": true, /* A boolean indicating if the request was successful */
"message": "Operation completed successfully" /* A message providing additional details */
I would like thank Mr. Engin Demiroğ and for their amazing course on C# .Net technologies and Angular Framework.