Releases: legumeinfo/gcv
This release is primarily concerned with enhancing user configurability of the GCV client. It also contains a handful of bug fixes and updates various dependencies.
Minor features: Updated Bootstrap to version 4, moved project to angular-cli, removed hash delimiter from URLs, micro-synteny track ordering and filtering state is now preserved in the URL query parameters.
Major features: Client brand is now configurable via the config file, instructions page now has default content and is configurable via the config file, the client now supports bootstrap tours including a configurable default tour and the ability for users to define their own tours and load them via the config file, utility functions have been added to the global JavaScript scope including a mechanism for triggering Angular route changes from outside the GCV app.
This release is primarily composed of a large refactoring of the inner workings of the client, making it faster and the code more maintainable moving forward. It also includes many bug fixes and updates of out of date dependencies, such as Angular, ngrx/*, and D3. The Django version used by the server has also been updated.
Minor features: Data loaded from a federated set of data sources are now streamed into the UI as they arrive, rather than aggregated. The loading status of each type of data from each source is now given in viewer-specific alert messages.
Major features: There is now a Circos style viewer in the multi view that depicts pairwise synteny blocks among the chromosomes of the tracks in the view. These blocks are computed on-demand using the federated macro-synteny service introduced in version 1.2.0.
This release introduces a major new feature - the federated on-demand computation of macro-synteny blocks in the search view. This allows macro-synteny blocks to be computed in a consistent manner across data providers, even when the query chromosome is not present in a provider's database.
Lots of code improvements, bug fixes, and new features.
Minor features: Macro-synteny tracks now colored with provider-specific colors, viewers are now in resizable containers, each viewer now has its own context menu that enables the downloading of its data and high quality screenshots, among other things, new gene searches can now be performed from within the search view, singletons and orphans are now highlighted in the micro-synteny legend, gene families in the micro-synteny legend are now in the same order they appear in the view, and gene family colors are now consistent between sessions.
Major features: The app can now be configured with a JSON file (see Wiki for details), the "basic" view has been changed to the "multi" view where tracks are clustered based on their gene family content and then aligned using a profile Hidden Markov Model, and the app loads WAY faster.
Lots of bug fixes and implemented core features that were either broken or missing in v1.0.0. Features: legend highlights the focus gene families, micro-synteny searches via macro-synteny viewport dragging, context-menu for downloading data and images of viewers, and all urls updated to RESTful API V1.
Features: Basic and Search views. Both include genomic contexts with gene glyphs colored by gene-family membership (described in a legend) and direction indicating orientation relative to strand; detailed views for selected gene/family/track, including dynamically loaded links for some genes; loading of data from multiple service providers; and track filtering via user input regular expression. The Search view also includes alignment of result tracks to the query via the Smith-Waterman or Repeat algorithms, matching on gene-family; zoomable local and global dot plots of result track genes vs query genes; chromosome scale synteny blocks of result track chromosomes relative to the query chromosome; "scrolling" of query track; and ordering of result tracks by chromosome name or edit distance.