K230 Flash is a python tools to program Kendryte K230 and K230D Chips, Supports program firmware to EMMC
and OTP
k230_flash.exe --help
usage: k230_flash [-h] [-m {EMMC,SDCARD,SPINAND,SPINOR,OTP}] [-l] [-d DEVICE_ADDRESS] [--auto-reboot] [--log-level {TRACE,DEBUG,INFO,WARN,ERROR,CRITICAL,OFF}] [--custom-loader] [-la LOAD_ADDRESS] [-lf LOADER_FILE]
[<address> <filename> ...]
Kendryte Burning Tool
positional arguments:
<address> <filename> Pairs of addresses followed by binary filenames, separated by space
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Specify the medium type (choices: EMMC, SDCARD, SPI_NAND, SPI_NOR, OTP)
-l, --list-device List devices
Device address (format: 1-1 or 3-1), which is the result get from '--list-device'
--auto-reboot Enable automatic reboot.
Set the logging level, Default is WARN
Custom Loader Options:
Options related to the custom loader
--custom-loader If set, pass a file for the custom loader
-la LOAD_ADDRESS, --load-address LOAD_ADDRESS
Hexadecimal load address (must be between 0x80300000 and 0x80400000), Default is 0x80360000
-lf LOADER_FILE, --loader-file LOADER_FILE
Path to the custom loader file (required if --custom-loader is set)
# Usually just specify the medium type and file address and file path
k230_flash -m EMMC 0 file_0x00.img