I no longer use Helm, and the code in this repository hasn't been changed for several years.
The easiest way to get started is to install the package via MELPA:
(package-install 'helm-etags-plus)
it support multiple tag files.
(setq tags-table-list '("/path/of/TAGS1" "/path/of/TAG2"))
if there is a TAG in the root of project you needn't add this special file to 'tags-table-list'
(require 'helm-etags-plus)
(global-set-key "\M-." 'helm-etags-plus-select)
M-. default use symbol under point as tagname C-uM-. use pattern you typed as tagname
;;list all visited tags
(global-set-key "\M-*" 'helm-etags-plus-history)
;;go back directly
(global-set-key "\M-," 'helm-etags-plus-history-go-back)
;;go forward directly
(global-set-key "\M-/" 'helm-etags-plus-history-go-forward)
if you want to use bm.el for navigating history,you could
(setq bm-in-lifo-order t)
(autoload 'bm-bookmark-add "bm" "add bookmark")
(add-hook 'helm-etags-plus-before-jump-hook 'bm-bookmark-add)
(add-hook 'helm-etags-plus-before-jump-hook '(lambda()(bm-bookmark-add nil nil t)))
;Auto remove bookmark after jump to it by bm-next or bm-previous
then use bm-previous bm-next to jump
(require 'etags-table)
(setq etags-table-alist
'("/home/me/Projects/foo/.*\\.[ch]$" "/home/me/Projects/lib1/TAGS" "/home/me/Projects/lib2/TAGS")
'("/home/me/Projects/bar/.*\\.py$" "/home/me/Projects/python/common/TAGS")
'("/tmp/.*\\.c$" "/java/tags/linux.tag" "/tmp/TAGS" )
'(".*\\.java$" "/opt/sun-jdk-" )
'(".*\\.[ch]$" "/java/tags/linux.ctags")
(add-hook 'helm-etags-plus-select-hook 'etags-table-recompute)