TypeSmart is an extensible and customizable framework for making textareas and contenteditable elements “smart”. TypeSmart was built with the intention to bring typographic niceties to on-page editing spaces.
- “Smart quotes” instead of "dumb quotes".
- Automatic ellipsis (…) instead of three periods (...).
- Automatic em-dash (—) instead of minus minus (--).
- Correct apostrophe: Don't use straight quotes for apostrophe. Just don’t!
<!-- Source TypeSmart into your page. -->
<!-- Make editing areas smart by adding the classes
'typeSmart' and 'typeSmartTypography' to them. -->
<textarea class='typeSmart typeSmartTypography'></textarea>
<div contenteditable='true' class='typeSmart typeSmartTypography'></div>
<!-- Activate TypeSmart by including the following just before </body> tag. -->
<script type='text/javascript'>
<!-- Before initializing TypeSmart,
you can define certain variables to extend TypeSmart
1) my_replacements : Replace a string by another.
(workes for typed as well as pasted text)
2) my_paste_modifiers : Functions to modify text when it is pasted into.
(only for pasted text)
3) my_custom_triggers : Functions to be executed after typing certain text.
(only for typed text)
<script type='text/javascript'>
TypeSmart.my_replacements = {
'typeSmartGreetings': {
'/greet': 'Hello!',
'/farewell': 'Bye!'
'typeSmartRandom': {
'<foo>': 'BAR'
// The greetings will work in all editable areas who have 'typeSmartGreetings' class.
// For example, in the following textarea,
// <textarea class='typeSmart typeSmartGreetings typeSmartTypography'><textarea>
// in addition to typographical features, the following will happen:
// - Whenever you type '/greet' it will be replaced by 'Hello!'
// - Whenever pasted text has '/greet', it will get replaced by 'Hello!'
TypeSmart.my_paste_modifiers = {
'typeSmartUppperCasePaste': {
'this string can be anything (should be unique)':
(function (text) {return text.toUpperCase();})
'typeSmartLowerCasePaste' : {
'make the text lowercase': (function (text) {return text.toLowerCase();})
// For example, whenever some text is pasted into
// <span contenteditable='true' class='typeSmart typeSmartCaseModPaste'></span>
// instead of the original text, an all-caps version of the text will be pasted.
// Function signature : Takes one string argument (pasted text) and returns one
// string (text to be actually pasted)
TypeSmart.insertRandomgreeting = function () {
var greetings = ['hello',
var random_greeting = greetings [Math.floor(Math.random() * greetings.length)];
// Now insert the greeting at the cursor position
Cursor.new().insert(random_greeting + "!");
return false;
TypeSmart.my_custom_triggers = {
'typeSmartCommands': {
'/randomGreeting': TypeSmart.insertRandomgreeting,
'?!': (function () {Cursor.new().deleteBackward(1); return true;})
// Whenever /randomGreeting is typed, it will be replaced by a random greeting
// instead. To enable this, class 'typeSmartCommands' should be added to
// the editing area.
// Function signature: Takes no arguments.
// Should do whatever needs to be done
// (inserting a random greeting in this case)
// Should return false indicating that the last typed
// character (here, 'g'), should not appear in editing area
// Should return true if the last typed letter is intended
// to appear. For example, the '?!' function deletes the
// character immediately before '?', but also lets the
// '!' to appear. So typing "reallyy?!" would actually
// result in "really!".