BierBot Bricks
Display for visualizatzion of current brew process.
- Short overview of current/next step
- Time information
- Current Temperature and setpoint
Bill of Material (Conrad Electronic Feb/2022):
GEHÄUSE KG 200 Bestell-Nr.: 540986
SBH341-1A Enclosed Battery Box 4 x AA Bestell-Nr.: 1672572
DRUCKSCHALTER R13-23B-05 SW TASTE TC Bestell-Nr.: 1587699
PIEZO-SIGNALGEBER EFH1205 Bestell-Nr.: 2300515
LED 10MM KLAR ROT 1000MCD Bestell-Nr.: 1577504
Joy-IT LCD Display, 20x4, Blau Bestell-Nr.: 1503752
NodeMCU V2 LUA ESP8266 Bestell-Nr.: 1613301
Resistor 270 Ohm
Spare part for future extensions:
...Heat shrink tubing, stranded wire, series resistor, solder, soldering iron
Information can be found inside 'img' folder
Arduino V2.0.0-rc7 (incl. esp32 hardware catalogue and necessary libs)
Three parameters must be updated inside source:
- Brick API Key
- Wifi SSID
- Wifi password
- LED and Buzzer included. Can be used for Alarming
- Implementation of Wifi Manager to avoid hard coded Wifi credentials
- OTA Programming (if bugs inside Arduino IED are closed)
- Configuration of Brick API key outside of source