This report is a progress report of the first phase as of Jun. 2024, and revised upon the development progress accordingly.
EPICS is widely used in the monitoring and control system in the large scientific and production facilities, because it is scalable to implement the huge number of devices over the ethernet network, user-friendly to code the scripts interfaced with RS232/485/GPIB, stable to run the long-term and minimum-resource operation based on LINUX even in the Raspberry Pi, and reliable to streamline the monitoring and feedback operation among the devices. This repo will collect EPICS information used at BL3.2U in SLRI as a first prototype EPICS monitoring system in the beamline.
Most of beamline vacuum and optics status are monitored in the LabVIEW-based program currently for the beamline interlock system. The vacuum and temperature status in the end-stations of the beamline are not monitored or stored as a historical record, which plays a critical role in the investigation of problems happened during the user service and electrical failure in the facility. The historical records of vacuum pressure and pumping status in the soft X-ray beamline give us a hint to prevent a human error in the beamline system, and suggest a proper maintenance timing of the vacuum system prior to a significant incident and critical damage.
Firstly, we will implement the local network for EPICS monitoring system with 5 devices at least. In the second stage, we will implement the database of records and establish the analytical procedure of the records. In the third stage, we will connect the local network to the global network of SLRI accesible online. We will test the feed-forward and -back control of the temperture and motion of the sample in the future phase if we have sufficient resources such as the motors, temperature monitors, and so on.
In the first stage, we connected the 5 devices at least based on the IOC at Raspberry Pi in the BL3.2Ua PES end-station through a serial device server 16-channel, which is currently available from the department in the section. 5 devices emcompass the full-range gauge, cold-cathod gauge (CCG), ionization gauge, ion-pump controller, and electrometer/multimeter. Some devices cannot be accessible from the RS232 interface, so the LabVIEW CALab is used to get the record from the devices such as the diode-type and thermo-couple temperature monitors.
The network switching hub is also available, so we can connect our serial device servers to the other network such as accelerator EPICS network. The control software section (CSS) established the beamline 3.2 otpics vacuum monitoring for 11 CCG gauges based on the serial device server with the NI LabVIEW DSC server previously, and it is now under control of the accelerator EPICS network to monitor the front-end pressure during the beamline alignment and injection inefficiency. Before the injection inefficiency took place, we successfully established the local EPICS network with two serial device servers from the beamline 3.2 optics vaccum and 3.2Ua end-station monitoring system.
EPICS resources are available online. SLRI held the training of EPICS implementation several times. The User forum encompsses trick and tip to tackle with the technical issues in the serial communication with devices.
Typical configuration of EPICS is based on the serial port communication over the ethernet network. In the initial stage, the EPICS shares within the local network via the switching hub. Devices are connected to the serial device server at each end station plus BL control station. PES has a serial device server 16 channels, and 2 more serial device servers will be implemented in PEEM and XPS stations in the following years. BL control station has a serial device server implemented by the control software section (CSS), but the accelerator section takes over the serial device server control. EPICS is primary running in the Raspberry Pi, and CALab 64-bit extends the channel access for the LabVIEW2019 in Windows PC.
The following software is useful to develop the device communications. The st.cmd file specifies the connection to each device according to the following syntax;
sys=System, sec=Section, dev=Device.
For example, the CCG gauge at MBE in BL3.2Ua is sys=BL32Ua
CALab is indispenable when the device has an interface only with USB or PCI for the Windows program. It is also useful to preformat the data received prior to sharing the variables.
PyEpics can perform caget and caput if the IOCs are available within the network.
Free program is used to establish the serial communication protocols prior to sharing variable in EPICS.
SerialTest is a versatile and multi-platform program for protocols such as serial, TCP, and bluetooth. Periodic command can be sent and received value can be plotted in the graph.
SerialDebug2 is available in the Japanese language only and discontinued. However, the basic function is still useful for double check. The HEX and DEC can be mixed as a command string.
SerialTool can add various CRC as the sum check protocols. The free version is limited in its functions. The website cannot be accessed from SLRI.
Modbus RS485 testing. "starting address" should be a value +1.
EPICS utilizes the HEX, decimal, and ASCII strings. The references of these strings are listed below.
The following devices are ppotential candidates for CAs in the EPICS monitoring system. The detailed resources are listed below.
The ion gauge is used in the analysis chamber of the PES station. The connection is established, but the string does not match in sometimes.
Multimeter is tested as one of devices. The only one of voltage, current, and registivity can be monitored at a time.
CCG controllers are used in the PES MBE and FEAL chambers. CCG controllers are also connected to the EPICS in the accelerator network. The serial device server can be configured to connect the EPICS in BL3.2U, which was confirmed before the ACC takeover.
The ion pump controller is used in the PES MBE chamber.
Ampmeter monitors the photocurrent from the sample manipulator or gold mesh/plate in the beamline.
Chiller is used to cool down the cryopump compressor. The connection is established but the communication failed.
RF power supply is used in the VUV light source. The Modbus RS485 connection is established but the communication failed. Modbus serial and TCP/IP can be configured at the setup with the code "1900".
Temperature Controller 335 is used in the cryostat manipulator. The latest 335 model has GPIB or USB interface. USB interface cannot be accessed without the driver from the Lake Shore. The caLab is used to get the temperature from the VI program.
NI SCB-68 is used to monitor the temperature nearby the PES station. The connecting box of the multifunction card has an internal temperature sensor (cold-junction compensation circuitry) to calibrate the inputs from the TC. The caLab is used to get the temperature from the VI program.
First of all, find the template from the Github linked below.
Second, search in the tech-talk.
Third, google and search in github.
Fourth, dig into KEK Tobiyama site.
8 devices (Ion gauge, IP controller, cryostat temp control, electrometer, multimeter, full range gauge, cold cathode gauge, multifunction SCB68) are connected to EPICS via the serial device server, and 2 IOCs are connected online via Raspberry pi and CALab from the Windows PC in the PES station. The 16-ch serial device server in the beamline interlock system was successfully integrated with our EPICS network for 11 CCG gauges at BL3.2U, but the accelerator division overtook the serial device server for their EPICS network to monitor the front-end pressures.
Modbus RS485 was tested by QModMater program to the RF power supply used in the VUV light source, but the communication error still appears. Additional IOC was setup in Macbook Pro and connected successfully. PyEPICS was tested from Macbook Pro and successfully implemented.