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90 lines (75 loc) · 5.64 KB

File metadata and controls

90 lines (75 loc) · 5.64 KB

[0.1.6] - 2017-12-31


  • Support eLua.
  • Support for Context:textFile() on a directory. Makes use of luafilesystem module for local filesystem testing, when present. Supports webhdfs: URLs.
  • New stuart.interface.sleep module can be preloaded with a function that sleeps to prevent pegging the CPU in multithreaded environments. Defaults to LuaSocket sleep() when present.


  • Dropped formal LuaSocket dependency. It is used when present, like cjson, but no longer required. This change is required for eLua support.
  • Dropped formal moses dependency, and instead embed a copy that is trimmed of unused functions (~27% reduction).
  • Reduced memory usage due to JSON decoding by directly using lunajson's decode module instead of its parent module which references other unused features.
  • Removed mandatory dependence on os module, since it does not exist in eLua environments.
  • Don't reference unused Spark Streaming modules from Spark Pi, which bloats the amalg cache and generated eLua image.
  • Defer loading of WebHdfsFileSystem or LocalFileSystem modules until they are used, so that they don't bloat the alamg cache and generated eLua image.


  • fileSystemFactory, StreamingContext, and WebHdfsFileSystem modules failed to load in an eLua environment, where LuaSocket is not present.

[0.1.5-1] - 2017-12-11


  • New Hadoop Path class, which introduces new net-url module dependency


  • util.isInstanceOf fails for non-table arguments such as nil

[0.1.4] - 2017-11-27


  • New stuart.interface.clock module that can be preloaded with a custom implementation that binds Stuart to a proprietary hardware clock, instead of always depending on LuaSocket for time which may be unavailable in microcontroller environments
  • Support Context stop() and isStopped(), and StreamingContext stop(stopSparkContext) param
  • Support SparkConf class
  • Support logging module and Logger class, and add logging to RDD, Context, DStream, and Receiver classes. Connect/disconnect info now shown.

[0.1.3] - 2017-11-11


  • Support Context defaultParallelism field (defaults to 1)
  • Support RDD:groupByKey() numPartitions param


  • Consolidate Apache Spark and Stuart unit tests into a single unified folder hierarchy
  • Renamed assertions within tolerance to assert_relTol and assert_absTol, which is more 1-1 with Spark Scala unit tests

[0.1.2] - 2017-10-28


  • Support RDD:sample() with an initial implementation that does not yet respect the withReplacement param
  • Support RDD:sum() and RDD:sumApprox()
  • Support RDD:toString() and implicit __tostring stringification of RDDs for debugging
  • Ported Apache Spark SparkPi example
  • Travis-based Luacheck source code static analysis now also applies to specs


  • RDD:takeSample() fails to return any results when RDD contains middleclass classes


  • Support random seed 3rd argument to RDD:takeSample()

[0.1.1] - 2017-10-14


  • Use luacjson, when available (but not required), for faster JSON parsing
  • Support StreamingContext:awaitTermination()
  • Support QueueInputDStream oneAtATime mode
  • Support DStream:groupByKey()
  • Travis-based continuous integration on LUA 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3, and LuaJIT 2.0 and 2.1
  • Ported Apache Spark BasicOperationsSuite test coverage for DStream:count()


  • Remove use of lodash from unit tests because of Lua 5.1 incompatibility
  • ReceiverInputDStream module leakage into DStream module
  • A NewStreamingContext() constructor variant was broken
  • NewContext() constructor was missing support for passing master and appname params
  • Several local variable leaks into the global namespace
  • A memory leak in SocketReceiver due to misnamed variable reference


  • Organize specs according to module hierarchy
  • Make cooperative multitasking context switch period match the StreamingContext batch duration

[0.1.0] - 2017-09-30


  • Support Context class with emptyRDD(), hadoopFile(), makeRDD(), parallelize(), textFile(), and union() support
  • Support Partition class
  • Support RDD class with aggregate(), aggregateByKey(), cache(), cartesian(), coalesce(), collect(), collectAsMap(), combineByKey(), count(), countApprox(), countByKey(), countByValue(), distinct(), filter(), filterByRange(), first(), flatMap(), flatMapValues(), fold(), foldByKey(), foreach(), foreachPartition(), glom(), groupBy(), groupByKey(), histogram(), intersection(), isEmpty(), join(), keyBy(), keys(), leftOuterJoin(), lookup(), map(), mapPartitions(), mapPartitionsWithIndex(), mapValues(), max(), mean(), meanApprox(), min(), reduce(), reduceByKey(), repartition(), rightOuterJoin(), setName(), sortBy(), sortByKey(), stats(), stdev(), subtract(), subtractByKey(), take(), takeSample(), toLocalIterator(), top(), union(), values(), zip(), and zipWithIndex() support
  • Support StreamingContext class with cooperative multitasking support for multiple concurrent receivers, with awaitTerminationOrTimeout(), getState(), queueStream(), receiverStream(), socketTextStream(), start(), and stop() support
  • Support DStream class with count(), foreachRDD(), mapValues(), start(), stop(), and transform() support
  • Support SocketInputDStream, QueueInputDStream, and TransformedDStream classes
  • Support Receiver, SocketReceiver, and ReceiverInputDStream classes
  • Provide an HttpReceiver class that supports http chunked streaming endpoints
  • Support WebHDFS URLs
  • LuaRocks packaging

(formatted per keepachangelog-1.1.0)