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Serverless test project for SLIC Watch

This is a sample Serverless V3 project that showcases how you can configure and deploy a Serverless project using SLIC Watch.


Install all the necessary requirements with:

npm i                # install project dependencies
npm i -g serverless  # installs serverless framework globally

Make sure to have the AWS CLI installed and configured.


To deploy the test project you should:

  1. Create an SNS topic in eu-west-1 and grab it's ARN
  2. Run ALARM_TOPIC=<your_sns_topic_arn> sls deploy

If all went well you should see the following output:

Running "serverless" from node_modules

Deploying serverless-test-project to stage dev (eu-west-1)

✔ Service deployed to stack serverless-test-project-dev (117s)

endpoint: GET -
  hello: serverless-test-project-dev-hello (305 kB)
  ping: serverless-test-project-dev-ping (305 kB)
  throttler: serverless-test-project-dev-throttler (305 kB)
  driveStream: serverless-test-project-dev-driveStream (305 kB)
  driveQueue: serverless-test-project-dev-driveQueue (305 kB)
  driveTable: serverless-test-project-dev-driveTable (305 kB)
  streamProcessor: serverless-test-project-dev-streamProcessor (305 kB)
  httpGetter: serverless-test-project-dev-httpGetter (305 kB)

Clean up

To destroy the deployed service you can run:

ALARM_TOPIC=<your_sns_topic_arn> sls destroy

Remember to also delete your SNS topic.