A collection of former issues, for quick reference.
Works for Italy.
Phony.normalize('+39 393 0000000').assert == '393930000000'
Specifically fixes the issue.
italia = Phony['39']
italia.normalize('363 000000').assert == '363000000'
Works for country with CC 46.
Phony.normalize('+46 (0)46 222 0000').assert == '46462220000'
Normalizes, but this is a non-real case.
Phony.normalize('1-111-111-1111').assert == '1111111111'
Phony.normalize('111-111-1111', cc: '1').assert == '1111111111'
Italy numbers needed a 0 to be splittable (officially needed). Now they at least work. In a way.
Phony.split('39694805123').assert == ['39', '694805123', []]
Phony.format('39694805123').assert == '+39 694805123 '
Phony.assert.plausible?('+39 081 1925 2698')
Phony.split("4512121212").assert == ['45', false, '12', '12', '12', '12']
Phony.split("4234760987").assert == ['423', false, '476', '09', '87']