This is an automated benchmark of basic Red Hat Openshift Service Mesh setup. The test uses Hyperfoil to drive load through the mesh into several dummy workload instances, implemented using Quarkus application Mannequin.
The benchmark creates two namespaces: one for the Service Mesh Control Plane, the other for the workload applications. Hyperfoil driver and the pod used to gather results is installed in the same namespace where Ripsaw is installed. When the benchmark completes those namespaces are destroyed along with other resources in Ripsaw namespace; you can inspect the results in JSON format in the benchmark job's pod output.
As this benchmark requires the operator to create new namespaces, you have to grant it an extra permission:
oc apply -f resources/self_provisioner_binding.yaml
Service Mesh and Hyperfoil operators must be already installed to the cluster before the benchmark starts.
The option runtime_class can be set to specify an optional runtime_class to the podSpec runtimeClassName. This is primarily intended for Kata containers.
Here is an example of the benchmark CR:
kind: Benchmark
name: example
namespace: my-ripsaw
name: servicemesh
# Number of deployments with workload
deployments: 3
# Number of replicas in each deployment
pods_per_deployment: 1
# CPU resources request & limit for each workload pod
workload_cpu: 4
# List of nodes where the Hyperfoil (load-driver) will be deployed
- node1
- node2
# Number of threads each agent should use
hyperfoil_threads: 8
# Name of the test. Currently supported are 'openmodel' and 'closedmodel'
test_name: closedmodel
# Settings for the closedmodel test: constant concurrency, variable throughput
# Number of HTTP connections to keep (total across agents)
shared_connections: 300
# Concurrency factor
users: 1050
# Duration of warm-up phase
warmup_duration: 10s
# Duration of steady-state phase
steadystate_duration: 10s
# Distribution of the different request types
weight_simple: 10
weight_db: 10
weight_proxy: 1
An alternative would be the openmodel test:
kind: Benchmark
name: servicemesh-benchmark
namespace: my-ripsaw
name: servicemesh
# Name of the test. Currently supported are 'openmodel' and 'closedmodel'
test_name: openmodel
# Settings for the openmodel test: fixed throughput (increasing each iteration)
# variable concurrency
# Number of HTTP connections to keep (total across agents)
shared_connections: 2000
# Throughput in the first steady-state (requests per second)
initial_users_per_sec: 4200
# Throughput increment
increment_users_per_sec: 1050
# Duration of the initial warm-up phase
initial_rampup_duration: 60s
# Duration of each steady-state phase
steadystate_duration: 60s
# Duration of each phase ramping the load up in between steady-states
rampup_duration: 20s
# Maximum number of iterations: maximum tested load would be
# initial_users_per_sec + increment_users_per_sec * max_iterations
max_iterations: 50
# Upper limit on the concurrency
max_sessions: 90000
# Distribution of the different request types
weight_simple: 10
weight_db: 10
weight_proxy: 1
You can run it by:
oc apply -f resources/crds/ripsaw_v1alpha1_servicemesh_cr.yaml # if edited the original one
While the output from benchmark is a JSON, you can easily display
oc logs -n my-ripsaw $NAME > /tmp/$NAME.json
cat /tmp/$NAME.json | docker run -i --rm /opt/ > /tmp/$NAME.html
When you're done simply delete the benchmark CR; the job and its pod will be garbage-collected automatically.