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127 lines (92 loc) · 3.41 KB

File metadata and controls

127 lines (92 loc) · 3.41 KB

Previous setup

We already have srtm_1arc_v3.tif raster on the postgis_raster database, in the rasters.dem table. The import was done using:

raster2pgsql -s 3763 -N -32767 -t 100x100 -I -C -M -d srtm_1arc_v3.tif rasters.dem | psql -d postgis_raster -h localhost -U geobox -p 5432

Install GeoServer PGRaster community module

We will need the GeoServer PGRaster community module.

Download and install the version for your current GeoServer installation.

cd /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF/lib
sudo unzip ~/Transferências/

Restart Geoserver.

Configure ImageMosaicJDBC store

Step 1: configuration files

We need some configuration files for the ImageMosaicJDBC plugin.

Put these files in our GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR/data.


   <dstype value="DBCP"/>
   <username value="geobox"/>
   <password value="geobox"/>
   <jdbcUrl value="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgis_raster"/>
   <driverClassName value="org.postgresql.Driver"/>
   <maxActive value="10"/>
   <maxIdle value="0"/>


<spatialExtension name="pgraster"/>
      <masterTable name="mosaic" >
              <coverageNameAttribute name="name"/>
              <maxXAttribute name="maxX"/>
              <maxYAttribute name="maxY"/>
              <minXAttribute name="minX"/>
              <minYAttribute name="minY"/>
              <resXAttribute name="resX"/>
              <resYAttribute name="resY"/>
              <tileTableNameAtribute name="tiletable" />
              <blobAttributeName name="rast" />

File mosaicpgraster.pgraster.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE ImageMosaicJDBCConfig [
      <!ENTITY mapping PUBLIC "mapping"  "">
      <!ENTITY connect PUBLIC "connect"  "">

<config version="1.0">
      <coverageName name="oek"/>
      <coordsys name="EPSG:3763"/>
      <scaleop  interpolation="1"/>
      <axisOrder ignore="false"/>

Step 2: Supporting tables and data

We need one additional table on our postgis_raster database to store simple mosaic metadata.

CREATE TABLE public.mosaic (
    name character varying(254) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
    tiletable character varying(254) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
    minx double precision,
    miny double precision,
    maxx double precision,
    maxy double precision,
    resx double precision,
    resy double precision,
    CONSTRAINT mosaic_pkey PRIMARY KEY (name, tiletable)

Add our raster to this mosaic metadata table, assigning the name mosaicpgraster:

insert into mosaic (name,tiletable) values ('mosaicpgraster','rasters.dem');

Step 3: Create a new datastore

Create a new ImageMosaicJDBC store.

For the URL, use the file we created: file:data/mosaicpgraster.pgraster.xml.

Add data store

Save it.

Step 4: Create a new layer from the store

Step 5: Preview the layer

Layer preview