In order to install BKVM in an existing cluster that runs BookKeeper you can use this Helm Chart.
The helm chart creates a Deployment that runs the BKVM service and the embedded HerdDB database. The default configuration should work with simple clusters, without authentication on ZooKeeper services.
Usually setting metadataServiceUri is enough if you do not have authentication for ZooKeeper.
Feel free to give your feedback using GitHub issues or send Pull Requests with the enhancements you do locally.
Ensure that you have KUBECONFIG properly configured and than helm
works properly.
helm repo add bkvm
helm install bkvm bkvm/bkvm --set 'metadataServiceUri=zk://pulsar-zookeeper-ca:2181/ledgers'
Wait for the BKVM server deployment to be up and running
kubectl wait deployment/bkvm-server --for condition=Available=True --timeout=90s
Then you can activate port-forwarding on port 4500
kubectl port-forward deployment/bkvm-server 4500:4500
Now you can open your browser at http://localhost:4500/
Checkout the documentation to see all the available options.