Before sending any contribution to this repository, make sure you are:
- Not changing App.vue
- Adding the stories to the proper storybook files
- Not making any CSS
- Not including any CSS library
When contributing to an issue, ask to a project developer for an assignation via github issues.
This repository has a conduct code that must be respected in all its interactions.
Before creating an issue, make sure that you follow these steps:
- Verify if there is another issue that describe what you want to insert
- When creating the issue, wait for an answer from a project developer for its approbation
To create a Pull Request, you must follow these steps:
- Run, in your machine, all tests that are available and only send the PR if the tests are succesful
- When creating the Pull Request, use the template available on docs/
- Ask to a project developer for a review in your PR
Thank you for wanting to contributing to puto-framework <3!