The docker container installs dependencies required for the website, checks out the latest openstreetmap-website code from github and sets up config files.
In order to run this container we need environment variables, these can be found in the following files👇:
- Rename the above files as
For sending email it is necessary to set the required variables, osm-seed has been tested with gmail and SES-AWS providers - SMTP.
- Use or create an existing email account.
- Make sure "IMAP Access" and "Allow less secure apps" are enabled in your account.
- You have to create verified email or domain in you AWs acount.
- Create an SMTP user, it will give you a user and password.
- You have to activate SES for production, otherwise you can only send email to verified emails.
Find examples oh how to setup the configuration for each provider at .env.web.example
# Docker compose
docker-compose run web
# Docker
docker run \
--env-file ./envs/.env.web \
--env-file ./envs/.env.db \
--network osm-seed_default \
-p "80:80" \
-p "3000:3000" \
-h localhost \
-it osmseed-web:v1 bash