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492 lines (323 loc) · 17.4 KB

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492 lines (323 loc) · 17.4 KB

6.1.0 (2024-10-17)

  • add _tile_matrices_idx: Dict[str, int] private attribute to improve matrices lookup
  • change xy_bounds() and bounds() methods to avoid calculation duplication

6.0.0 (2024-10-16)

  • remove _geographic_crs private attribute in TileMatrixSet model breaking change
  • use crs.geodetic_crs property as geographic_crs breaking change

5.4.2 (2024-08-29)

  • better handle anti-meridian crossing bbox in tms.tiles() (author @ljstrnadiii, #154)

5.4.1 (2024-08-27)

  • ensure TileMatrixSet._geographic_crs is a pyproj CRS object (author @AndrewAnnex, #152)
  • add python 3.12 support

5.4.0 (2024-08-20)

  • adds --tms optional argument to the shapes and tiles cli tools (author @AndrewAnnex, #151)

5.3.1 (2024-07-26)

  • handle 180th meridian case for tms.tiles() (author @ljstrnadiii, #150)

5.3.0 (2024-02-09)

  • enable custom decimation value for in TileMatrixSet.custom method (author @mccarthyryanc, #146)

5.2.3 (2024-02-02)

  • update pydantic Field usage to avoid deprecation in 3.0

5.2.2 (2024-01-25)

  • fix id for WGS1984Quad TileMatrixSet (from WorldCRS84Quad to WGS1984Quad)

5.2.1 (2024-01-18)

  • fix CRS WKT type from string to Object (PROJJSON) (ref: opengeospatial/2D-Tile-Matrix-Set#89).

    # Before
    wkt = pyproj.CRS.from_epsg(3857).to_wkt()
        crs={"wkt": wkt}
    # Now
    wkt = pyproj.CRS.from_epsg(3857).to_json_dict()
        crs={"wkt": wkt}

5.2.0 (2024-01-18)

  • fix CRS parsing to allow wkt ({"wkt": ...}) and uri ({"uri": ...}) defined CRS

        crs={"uri": ""}
    wkt = pyproj.CRS.from_epsg(3857).to_wkt()
        crs={"wkt": wkt}
  • update TileMatrixSet representation to use CRS's URI

  • remove default for TileMatrixSet.pointOfOrigin attribute (required)

  • add topLeft default for TileMatrixSet.cornerOfOrigin attribute

  • renamed morecantile.models.CRSType -> morecantile.models.CRS

5.1.0 (2024-01-08)

  • Simplify bounds calculation by using TileMatrix.cellSize instead of TileMatrix.scaleDenominator
  • remove TileMatrixSet._resolution private method

5.0.2 (2023-12-01)

  • Remove alias tiles in .parent(), .children(), .neighbors() and .tiles() methods for Variable Matrix Width TileMatrixSets (#136)

5.0.1 (2023-12-01) [DELETED]

  • Remove alias tiles in .parent(), .children(), .neighbors() and .tiles() methods for Variable Matrix Width TileMatrixSets (#136)

5.0.0 (2023-07-24)

  • update pydantic requirement to ~=2.0

  • add support for TileMatrixSets with Variable Matrix Width

  • add variableMatrixWidths to the TileMatrix model

  • add TileMatrixSet._lr() (and lr()) to retrieve the lower right coordinates of a tile (instead of using upper-left of tile+1)

  • switch to functools.cached_property to cache properties (instead of cachetools.LRUcache)

  • rename _is_quadtree property to is_quadtree in TileMatrixSet model

  • fix possible bug in TileMatrixSet._tile() (and .tile()) method to make sure x or y are not greater than matrixWidth - 1 or matrixHeight - 1

4.3.0 (2023-07-11)

  • add .srs property to CRSType
  • forward arguments to pyproj.CRS methods for to_epsg(), to_wkt(), to_proj4() and to_json() CRSType methods

4.2.1 (2023-07-02)

  • limit pydantic requirement to `~=1.0``

4.2.0 (2023-06-09)

  • add to_proj4 and to_dict and to_json methods to CRSType
  • remove TileMatrixSet._crs (replaced with

4.1.1 (2023-06-07)

  • add to_epsg() and to_wkt() methods to CRSType to allow compatibility with 4.0
import morecantile

tms = morecantile.tms.get("WebMercatorQuad")
>> CRSType(__root__='')
>> 3857

>> <Projected CRS: EPSG:3857>

>> 3857

4.1.0 (2023-06-06)

  • Change CRS attribute in model to align more with the TMS spec and fix some OpenAPI schema issues (It should be a string URI or WKT, not a pyproj.CRS)
  • add TileMatrixSet._crs PrivateAttr to host the pyproj.CRS version of the crs
  • update grid_crs properties in TileMatrixSet.feature() result to return the TileMatrixSet.CRS (uri/wkt) instead of EPSG code

4.0.2 (2023-05-31)

  • Fix TileMatrixSet BoundingBox definition (#122)

4.0.1 (2023-05-31)

  • Raise a ValueError when nan bounds are passed to tiles (author @samn, #120)

4.0.0 (2023-05-22)

  • no change since 4.0.0a1

4.0.0a1 (2023-05-17)

  • Fix possible bug when a TileMatrixSet does not have id

4.0.0a0 (2023-05-15)

  • Remove assumption tile rows/cols are ordered in TileMatrixSet.tiles() method (author @fsvenson, #104)

  • switch to TMS 2.0 specification (author @dchirst, #101). See for more info.

  • remove NZTM2000 TileMatrixSet (ref: #103)

  • add rasterio_geographic_crs to export TMS's geographic CRS to Rasterio's CRS object (author @AndrewAnnex, #109)

  • add geographic_crs property in the TileMatrixSet model to return the private _geographic_crs attribute

  • add cache LRU layer on top of TileMatrixSet.bbox method

  • changed the input type in morecantile.defaults.TileMatrixSets.register() from Sequence[TileMatrixSet] to Dict[str, TileMatrixSets]

    my_custom_tms = ...
    # before
    defaults = morecantile.tms.register([my_custom_tms])
    # now
    defaults = morecantile.tms.register({"MyCustomGrid": my_custom_tms})
  • made id and title optional in morecantile.TileMatrixSet.custom() method

    crs = CRS.from_epsg(3031)
    extent = [-948.75, -543592.47, 5817.41, -3333128.95]  # From https:///
    # before
    tms = morecantile.TileMatrixSet.custom(extent, crs)
    print(, tms.title)
    >>> "Custom", "Custom TileMatrixSet"
    # now
    tms = morecantile.TileMatrixSet.custom(extent, crs)
    print(, tms.title)
    >>> None, None
  • remove boundingBox in TileMatrixSet definition when created with morecantile.TileMatrixSet.custom

3.4.0 (2023-05-15)

  • [backported from 4.0] Remove assumption tile rows/cols are ordered in TileMatrixSet.tiles() method (author @fsvenson, #104)
  • [backported from 4.0] add rasterio_geographic_crs to export TMS's geographic CRS to Rasterio's CRS object (author @AndrewAnnex, #109)
  • [backported from 4.0] add geographic_crs property in the TileMatrixSet model to return the private _geographic_crs attribute
  • [backported from 4.0] add cache LRU layer on top of TileMatrixSet.bbox method

3.3.0 (2023-03-09)

  • sort default TMS (author @jlaura, #98)
  • Switch to ruff for linting and fixing linting issues

3.2.5 (2022-12-16)

  • Do not parse TMS json files automatically but wait for the TMS to be used

3.2.4 (2022-12-14)

  • fix CanadianNAD83_LCC, WorldMercatorWGS84Quad and EuropeanETRS89_LAEAQuad TMS
  • add title option in morecantile custom CLI

3.2.3 (2022-12-13)

  • fix utils.meters_per_unit for non earth bodies (author @AndrewAnnex, #92)
  • fix CRS_to_uri function to adds ability to export non-EPSG CRSs URIs (author @AndrewAnnex, #93)

3.2.2 (2022-11-25)

  • add morecantile.defaults.TileMatrixSets in export

3.2.1 (2022-10-25)

  • add python 3.11 support

3.2.0 (2022-10-20)

  • add python 3.10 support
  • remove python 3.7 support
  • switch to pyproject.toml

3.1.2 (2022-03-21)

  • add support for foot and US survey foot CRS (#86)

3.1.1 (2022-02-25)

  • fix issue with zoom_for_res when resolution is smaller than minzoom (author @samn, #84)

3.1.0 (2022-02-18)

  • add parent, children, neighbors, minmax, is_valid methods (#82)

breaking changes

  • update WebMercatorQuad TMS to match mercantile and GDAL definition of the half-earth value

3.0.5 (2022-02-16)

  • truncate geographic Lon/Lat inputs to the TMS geographic bbox instead of -180., -90., 180., 90. (#79)
  • remove utils.truncate_lnglat function (#79)

3.0.4 (2022-02-16)

  • Allow zoom_for_res to work for a TMS with a minzoom > 0 (author @samn, #78)

3.0.3 (2021-12-06)

  • add WGS1984Quad (WGS84/epgs:4326) TileMatrixSet (#74)

3.0.2 (2021-11-12)

  • add _geographic_crs definition in __init__ to make sure it's initialized from user input (author @davenquinn, #72)

3.0.1 (2021-11-10)

  • rename _to_wgs84 and _from_wgs84 private attributes to _to_geographic and _from_geographic (#68)
  • add _geographic_crs private attribute to morecantile.TileMatrixSet to define the CRS used in _to_geographic and _from_geographic (#68)
  • fix TileMatrixSet._invert_axis method to only check axis information (#71)

3.0.0 (2021-09-23)

  • no change since 3.0.0a1

3.0.0a1 (2021-09-17)

  • only import rasterio if needed (#66)

3.0.0a0 (2021-09-09)

  • add .rasterio_crs properties to TMS for compatibility with rasterio (#58)
  • Use new Class-like notation for namedtuple (#58)

breaking changes

  • switch from rasterio to PyProj for CRS definition and projection transformation (#58)
  • remove python 3.6 supports (because of pyproj)

2.1.4 (2021-08-20)

  • add NZTM2000Quad tile matrix set from LINZ (author @blacha, #57)

  • add quadkey supports (@author adrian-knauer, #56)

    import morecantile
    tms = morecantile.tms.get("WebMercatorQuad")
    # Tile to Quadkey
    tms.quadkey(486, 332, 10)
    >>> "0313102310"
    # Quadkey to Tile
    >>> Tile(486, 332, 10)
  • update NZTM2000* CRS uri from to urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:2193 (#61)

2.1.3 - Doesn't exists

2.1.2 (2021-05-18)

  • fix wrong TMS boundingBox definition when using inverted CRS (#53)

2.1.1 (2021-05-17)

  • remove mercantile dependency.
  • raise PointOutsideTMSBounds warning when user is doing operations outside TMS bounds.
  • fix wrong xy_bbox when tms.boundingBox use a specific CRS.

2.1.0 (2020-12-17)

  • add zoom_level_strategy option for TileMatrixSet.zoom_for_res to match GDAL 3.2. By default, it is set to auto, meaning that it will select the closest zoom level. User can set the strategy to lower or upper to select below or above zoom levels.
import morecantile
tms = morecantile.tms.get("WebMercatorQuad")

# native resolution of zoom 7 is 1222.9924 m
# native resolution of zoom 8 is 611.4962 m
assert tms.zoom_for_res(612.0) == 8
assert tms.zoom_for_res(612.0, zoom_level_strategy="lower") == 7
assert tms.zoom_for_res(612.0, zoom_level_strategy="upper") == 8

2.0.1 (2020-11-05)

  • simplify morecantile.TileMatrixSet default representation
from morecantile import tms

>>> <TileMatrixSet title='CRS84 for the World' identifier='WorldCRS84Quad'>

>>> {
    'type': 'TileMatrixSetType',
    'title': 'CRS84 for the World',
    'abstract': None,
    'keywords': None,
    'identifier': 'WorldCRS84Quad',
    'supportedCRS': CRS.from_epsg(4326),
    'wellKnownScaleSet': AnyHttpUrl(...),
    'boundingBox': {
        'type': 'BoundingBoxType',
        'crs': CRS.from_epsg(4326),
        'lowerCorner': (-180.0, -90.0),
        'upperCorner': (180.0, 90.0)},
        'tileMatrix': [...]

2.0.0 (2020-11-04)

  • switch from CoordBBox to rasterio.coords.BoundingBox (ref: #38).
  • update morecantile.commons Tile and Coords to match rasterio's BoundingBox.
  • rename morecantile.models.BoundingBox to morecantile.models.TMSBoundingBox to avoind name colision with rasterio's BoundingBox.
  • improve default TMS immutability by making morecantile.tms.register to return a new TileMatrixSets instance (ref: #37)
import morecantile import TileMatrixSet, tms
from import CRS

crs = CRS.from_epsg(3031)
extent = [-948.75, -543592.47, 5817.41, -3333128.95]  # From https:///
custom_tms = TileMatrixSet.custom(extent, crs, identifier="MyCustomTmsEPSG3031")

>>> 10

defaults = tms.register(custom_tms)
>>> 10

>>> 11

1.3.1 (2020-10-07)

  • remove pkg_resources (pypa/setuptools#510, #36)
  • add TILEMATRIXSET_DIRECTORY to allow morecantile to load user's TMS
# Save custom TMS to a file
import morecantile
from import CRS

crs = CRS.from_epsg(3031)
extent = [-948.75, -543592.47, 5817.41, -3333128.95]  # From https:///
tms = morecantile.TileMatrixSet.custom(extent, crs, identifier="MyCustomTmsEPSG3031")

with open("/tmp/mytms/MyCustomTmsEPSG3031.json", "w") as f:
import os
os.environ["TILEMATRIXSET_DIRECTORY"] = "/tmp/mytms"

from morecantile import tms
assert "MyCustomTmsEPSG3031" in tms.list()

1.3.0.post1 (2020-09-30)

  • fix TileMatrixSet's model schema bug where pydantic wasn't able to translate Union[, pydantic.AnyHttpUrl] to a valid schema (ref: #34)

1.3.0 (2020-09-30)

  • Allow Custom CRS for custom TMS definition (#23)
  • Extend TMS beyond TMS Document max zoom level (#28)
  • Require rasterio >= 1.1.7 (sept 2020) to support inverted lat/lon TMS (ref: #26)
  • Remove deprecated function
  • Add tms.xy_bbox and tms.bbox properties to return TileMatrixSet boundaries.
  • Add tms.intersect_tms to check if a bbox intersect with the TileMatrixSet boundaries.
  • Avoid out-range tiles (e.g. negative indexes)
  • Add tms.zoom_for_res function to get the TMS zoom level for a specific resolution (#31).

1.2.0 (2020-06-01)

  • add TileMatrixSet minzoom/maxzoom properties
  • fix TileMatrixSet.tile calculation
  • add TileMatrixSet.tiles function (replicat from mercantile)
  • add buffer and projected options to TileMatrixSet.feature method
  • removes mercantile as dependencies
  • add CLI
  • renamed morecantile.TileMatrixSet.point_towgs84 to morecantile.TileMatrixSet.lnglat (matches mercantile)
  • renamed morecantile.TileMatrixSet.point_fromwgs84 to morecantile.TileMatrixSet.xy (matches mercantile)
  • add truncate option in morecantile.TileMatrixSet.tile (matches mercantile)
  • re-order buffer and precision options in morecantile.TileMatrixSet.feature (matches mercantile)
  • uses mercantile's tests

1.1.1 (2020-05-15)

  • Fix bad default TMS files (#13)
  • Add regex in model for identifier validation

1.1.0 (2020-05-13)

  • better submodule definition
  • add morecantile.tms object to access and register defaults TileMatrixSet
  • Add depreciation warning for morecantile.TileMatrixSet.load method

1.0.0 (2020-05-11)

Major refactor of Morecantile, which is now based on OGC TileMatrixSet JSON documents.

  • use pydantic model to validate TMS JSON documents (#6, author @geospatial-jeff)
  • morecantile methods are part of the TMS model (#7)

0.1.0 (2020-02-03)

  • Rename defaults grids (#1)

0.0.1 (2020-01-23)

  • Initial release