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Design of Experiment

The following report describes the procedure adopted to determine the optimal sizes of the table and the drawer. The procedure consisted of the following steps:

  1. Identifying a nominal target pose
    • We selected the left arm and identified a nominal target pose to be reached both in position and orientation with low errors and with a joints configuration fairly away from the bounds. The nominal value for the y-axis is 0, whereas the nominal orientation is parallel to the table.
  2. Sensitivity analysis
    • We performed a sensitivity analysis by perturbing the nominal pose in position using a uniform sampling method.
  3. Optimizing table and drawer dimensions
    • We optimized for the table relative position with respect to the robot, its dimensions as well as the dimensions of the drawer. The quantity we aim to optimize for was the distance between the top-center of the cube and our target pose.
  4. Selecting a pick/drop pose
    • We additionally seeked for a suitable second location next to the drawer where iCub can pick/drop the cube.

Important note

We simulated reaching actions and not grasping, as this is task dependent. Moreover, executing robust grasping actions with iCub models in Gazebo is not supported at the moment, but it is a work in progress.

1. Identifying a nominal target pose


🎯 The nominal target pose is (-0.35 0.0 -0.05 0.0 0.0 1.0 3.14159).


The nominal target pose was selected such that:

  • the error in position, computed this as Euclidean distance between desired and reached target, is below 1cm;
  • the error in orientation, computed this as $\arcsin \theta$, where $\theta$ is the angle between desired and reached orientation, is below 15 degrees;
  • the joints configuration, evaluated as distance between each joint (of left arm and torso) and their lower and upper limits, is higher than 5.0 degrees.

The analysis was performed by selecting a bunch of targets to reach and evaluating the aforementioned errors. The following table summarizes the results for different targets (averaged over 3 repetitions).

Target error
position [cm]
orientation [deg]
Target 1:
xd = -0.6 0.0 -0.1
ori = 0.0 0.0 1.0 3.14
9 53.1 pitch = [0.1 105.0]
roll = [54.2 105.8]
yaw = [51.6 65.4]
[26.8 64.2] prosup = [110.6 9.4]
pitch = [62.1 42.9]
yaw = [24.4 20.6]
yaw = [99.8 0.2]
roll = [29.9 30.1]
pitch = [69.1 21.0]
Target 2:
xd = -0.5 0.0 -0.1
ori = 0.0 0.0 1.0 3.14
0.6 4.0 pitch = [0.3 105.3]
roll = [62.9 97.1]
yaw = [93.8 23.2]
[17.9 73.1] prosup = [120.0 0.05]
pitch = [65.1 40.0]
yaw = [38.9 6.1]
yaw = [99.9 0.1]
roll = [29.9 30.1]
pitch = [64.1 25.9]
Target 3:
xd = -0.4 0.0 -0.1
ori = 0.0 0.0 1.0 3.14
0.6 2.9 pitch = [25.2 79.7]
roll = [24.8 135.2]
yaw = [87.4 29.6]
[0.2 90.8] prosup = [120.0 0.03]
pitch = [46.1 59.0]
yaw = [45.0 0.0]
yaw = [74.1 25.9]
roll = [29.8 30.2]
pitch = [50.6 39.4]
Target 4:
xd = -0.4 0.0 0.0
ori = 0.0 0.0 1.0 3.14
0.2 2.9 pitch = [30.0 75.0]
roll = [24.7 135.3]
yaw = [84.4 32.6]
[8.4 82.5] prosup = [115.7 4.2]
pitch = [63.6 41.4]
yaw = [45.0 0.0]
yaw = [73.1 26.8]
roll = [29.8 30.2]
pitch = [33.2 56.8]
Target 5:
xd = -0.3 0.0 -0.1
ori = 0.0 0.0 1.0 3.14
0.6 11.5 pitch = [59.6 45.4]
roll = [23.3 136.7]
yaw = [115.2 1.8]
[4.8 86.2] prosup = [72.1 47.9]
pitch = [29.1 75.9]
yaw = [45.0 0.0]
yaw = [81/7 18.3]
roll = [29.8 30.1]
pitch = [25.5 6457]
Target 6:
xd = -0.35 0.0 -0.1
ori = 0.0 0.0 1.0 3.14
0.7 5.2 pitch = [45.5 59.5]
roll = [24.9 135.0]
yaw = [90.2 26.8]
[0.1 90.9] prosup = [105.3 14.7]
pitch = [37.9 67.0]
yaw = [45.0 0.0]
yaw = [78.4 21.6]
roll = [29.8 30.2]
pitch = [37.4 52.6]
Target 7:
xd = -0.35 0.0 0.0
ori = 0.0 0.0 1.0 3.14
0.2 5.7 pitch = [50.2 54.7]
roll = [24.5 135.4]
yaw = [86.0 31.0]
[16.4 74.6] prosup = [104.6 15.4]
pitch = [61.2 43.7]
yaw = [45.0 0.0]
yaw = [74.0 26.0]
roll = [29.8 30.2]
pitch = [19.6 70.4]
👍🏻 Target 8:
xd = -0.35 0.0 -0.05
ori = 0.0 0.0 1.0 3.14
0.2 5.7 pitch = [48.8 56.2]
roll = [24.5 135.5]
yaw = [90.7 26.2]
[6.7 84.3] prosup = [101.4 18.6]
pitch = [47.9 57.1]
yaw = [45.0 0.0]
yaw = [76.9 23.1]
roll = [29.9 30.0]
pitch = [27.0 62.9]
Target 9:
xd = -0.2 0.0 -0.1
ori = 0.0 0.0 1.0 3.14
0.6 30.0 pitch = [79.0 26.0]
roll = [23.7 136.3]
yaw = [113.9 3.2]
[40.2 50.8] prosup = [86.7 33.3]
pitch = [31.3 73.6]
yaw = [45.0 0.0]
yaw = [68.0 32.0]
roll = [29.9 30.0]
pitch = [19.6 70.4]

Results exceeding the thresholds (and thus bad targets) are highlighted, specifically with:

  • errors in position higher than 1 cm;
  • errors in orientation higher than 15 degrees;
  • joints distances from their upper and lower limits lower than 10 degrees.

Overall, targets from 2 to 8 are reached with low errors in position and orientation, but specifically targets 4, 7, 8 provide fairly low errors in position (below 0.5 cm). Furthermore, target 7, 8 are reached with a joints configuration that better fits the limits. Regarding the other targets, we can notice that:

  • target 1 is not reached at all, as both errors in position and orientation are higher than the thresholds. Furthermore, the shoulder pitch and the torso yaw reach the lower and the upper limit respectively. This is an indication that the target is too far from the robot;
  • target 2 is reached with low errors in position and orientation, but shoulder pitch and the torso yaw are still close to the limits, indicating that the target is again far from the robot;
  • target 3, 5 and 6 are reached with low errors in position and orientation, but the elbow is very close to its lower bound;
  • target 9 has a high error on the orientation. Furthermore, the shoulder yaw reaches the upper limit. These are both indications that the target is too close to the robot.

Target 7 and 8 are the most reasonable candidates as nominal poses. To accommodate for a reasonable table height, we chose target 8 which is 5 cm lower than target 7.

The following are the errors in position and orientation and the joints configuration over the three repetitions for target 8.

error position [cm] error orientation [deg]
blue: error
magenta: threshold
Joints configuration
black: dist from lower limit
red: dist from upper limit
magenta: threshold

The errors in position and orientation are fairy below the thresholds, along with a reasonable joints configuration (joints are fairly away from their bounds).

🎯 Finally, the nominal target pose we selected is (-0.35 0.0 -0.05 0.0 0.0 1.0 3.14159).

2. Sensitivity analysis

2.1 Sampling the nominal pose

Given the nominal pose we chose (-0.35 0.0 -0.05 0.0 0.0 1.0 3.14159) following the analysis in #10, we perturbed its position sampling it with a uniform method within the three following ranges:

  • along the x direction: [-5 5] cm;
  • along the y direction: [-3 3] cm;
  • along the z direction: [-1 1] cm.

We selected 100 poses around the nominal pose with the afore-mentioned method and evaluated the error in position and orientation between the reached and the desired target and the joints configuration.

2.2 Evaluating errors in position and orientation

The following shows the errors in position and orientation for the sampled poses:

error position [cm] error orientation [deg]

blue: error
magenta: threshold: 1 cm
blue: error
magenta: threshold: 15 deg

The reported errors have the following values:

  • error in position: 0.43 +/- 0.33 cm, with a percentage of samples above the threshold (set at 1 cm) of 11%;
  • error in orientation: 7.01 +/- 4.08 deg, with a percentage of samples above the threshold (set at 15 deg) of 4%.

The two percentages are comparable and fairly low, indicating that we can achieve a good reachability in position and orientation. Therefore the sensitivity analysis shows that the area around the nominal pose within [-5 5] cm along x, [-3 3] cm along y and [-1 1] cm along z, can be covered with a reachability of 0.43 +/- 0.33 cm in position and 7.01 +/- 4.08 deg in orientation, which are reasonable values when considering the reaching task. Importantly, the chosen thresholds can be adjusted depending on the specific task to perform.

We further analyzed the errors to investigate the poses providing higher errors. The following plots show the poses around the nominal one sampled within the ranges x and y (the center represents the nominal pose where we drew the iCub hand – not in scale – for convenience), with the colors quantifying the errors in position and orientation respectively.

error position [cm] error orientation [deg]

blue: 0 cm
yellow: 2 cm
blue: 0 deg
yellow: 20 deg

The plots show that:

  • the error in position stays consistently below 1cm, with a slight increase in the top area (cyan dots), corresponding to poses further from the robot;
  • the error in orientation presents a bottom right area with higher values, corresponding to poses closer to the robot and to the right of the nominal pose. This is expected as the left arm is used for performing the analysis and, importantly, the right arm can be used to cover this area.

2.3 Evaluating the joints configuration

The following shows the distances of each joint from its lower and upper limit for the sampled poses:

Joints configuration
black: dist from lower limit
red: dist from upper limit
magenta: threshold: 5 deg

The joints are fairly distant from their limits (black and red histograms are higher than the threshold), except the wrist yaw and the elbow :

  • the wrist yaw is always close to its higher limit, which is reasonable to achieve the desired orientation;
  • the elbow is close to the lower limit when trying to reach poses on the right of the nominal one, as visible here (it's below the threshold in the right area):

Again, for this area the right arm can be used.

2.4 Final remarks

The sensitivity analysis shows that:

  • the area around the nominal pose within [-5 5] cm along x, [-3 3] cm along y and [-1 1] cm along z, can be covered with a reachability of 0.43 +/- 0.33 cm in position and 7.01 +/- 4.08 deg in orientation;
  • such area is reached with a reasonable joints configuration;
  • the sub-area on the right of the nominal pose is reached with higher error in orientation and the elbow configuration close to its lower limit. This can be addressed by resorting to the right arm to cover the area.

3. Optimizing table and drawer dimensions

The dimensions of the table has been designed with the help of MWS for allowing a comfortable grasp from the iCub standpoint.

3.1 Drawer

The height of the drawer has been reduced from 10 cm to 5 cm in order to facilitate the grasping of the cube.

Before After

3.2 Table

Since the nominal target pose we selected is (-0.35 0.0 -0.05 0.0 0.0 1.0 3.14159), we changed the table dimensions in order to have the center of the top face of the cube at (-0.35 0.0 -0.05) with respect to the root of iCub.

We achieved that by reducing the table dimensions and the height of the pole of iCub stand.

Here is some measures taken from the final CAD drawings:

Depth of the table

Height of the iCub root frame

Height of the cube's top face

Resulting transformation cube->root

3.3 Simulated interaction with optimized setup

The following image shows the simulated interaction with the final optimized setup:

4. Selecting a pick and drop pose

Finally, we selected a second location next to the drawer where iCub can pick/drop the cube. The pose selected is (-0.3 -0.3 -0.05 0.0 0.0 1.0 3.49066), as it produced the following output: