These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. Start by creating an environment file and fill them with valid values.
bin/setup (--docker | --local) [ENVIRONMENT]
There are two options when it comes to setting up your development environment. The Docker based one boils down to running a single command and is most likely what you want, especially when getting started. The following software is required if you want to follow a Docker base approach.
If you prefer a local setup (to have more control) the following software is required to be installed on your system.
We recommend using asdf version manager to install and manage all the programming languages' requirements if you want to run locally.
To start all the services (database and webapp) run:
docker-compose -f -f {linux,darwin}.yml up
If you only want to start the database run:
docker-compose -f -f {linux,darwin}.yml up db
You need to setup the database beforehand and then run:
mix setup
Start the development server and then you can visit
from your browser.
mix phx.server # or iex -S mix phx.server
Lint your code.
Format your code.
You can use these resources to learn more about the technologies this project uses.