Each August, Examplar should be rebased on CPO horizon.
Create a new branch named $CURRENT_YEAR:
git checkout -b $(date +"%Y")
Squash all commits since the last rebase:
git reset --soft $(git log --pretty=format:"%H" --grep='implement examplar')
git commit --amend -m "implement examplar
This is a squash of the commits for the version of Examplar deployed in Fall $(date --date='1 year ago' +%Y), rebased on CPO changes made before Fall $(date +"%Y")."
git remote add cpo [email protected]:brownplt/code.pyret.org.git
git fetch cpo
git rebase cpo/horizon
Fix the conflicts, ensure everything works, then finally:
git rebase --continue
git checkout refs/remotes/origin/2021 --